The Streets of Tortuga

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Milah is mindlessly practicing with her sword later that day as they continue to sail towards Tortuga, a known port for pirates, thieves, whores and every other scallywag in the world. Will had disappeared below deck, claiming he needed some time alone, most likely to process all that had transpired that day. She felt guilty enough that Will's worst nightmare has come true and decided that the best thing she could do was give him the space he needed.

Jack is steering in silent thought, his eyes never seeming to leave the ocean before him. She ignores his presence. She swings her sword back and forth in smooth, clean cut motions when Jack suddenly speaks to her, a curious note to his voice, "So what's your story lass?"

Milah pauses in her movements, slightly startled at the interruption before glancing up at him. She frowns at how his eyes seem to bore into her very soul with an irritating knowing gleam in them. She didn't trust this pirate yet, not like that actually mattered, she would never tell anyone her story for as long as she lived.  "Don't have one," she shrugs, lying easily as she falls back into her routine.

"Oh come on now, everyone has a story," he continues to push much to her annoyance.

"Not everyone washed up on Port Royal's beaches," she corrects heated, sheathing her sword and sitting down on a barrel to look at him. Milah already knew that she would not be able to shake him off so she decides to say as little as possible, "Most people say it was a ship wreck that caused it or maybe I was just thrown overboard but at the end of the day my story is one I'll never know."

Jack was quiet for a moment before asking curiously, "How old did you say you were?'

Milah glares, "I didn't say but I was 11" she tells him, more than annoyed now that he was putting his nose in matters that really didn't concern him.

"So you must of had some life before Port Royal," Jack continues and Milah shrugs, pointedly not looking at him. "You see I have a feeling you remember but it's not a good thing to remember. So you're hiding the truth from certain people or perhaps a certain someone."

Milah looks at him sharply at his words before she calms herself, "I don't know what your talking about," she turns to look out at the ocean and tries to ignore him.

Jack didn't make it easy, "Ahh full of secrets are we? Well I already know one."

"I honestly doubt that."

"You're in love with young William." Milah's breath hitches and her head snaps around to look at him in alarm. Jack looks back at her with a knowing shrug, "It's all over your face love, whenever you're around him. It's why you here ain't it?"

Milah glances back out the ocean with a small scowl marring her features, "So what if I did? it wouldn't matter. He's in love with Elizabeth and why wouldn't he be? She's the definition of perfection."

"I wouldn't doubt yourself too much lass," Jack states. She looks back at him only to see he was back to being focused on the steering of the Interceptor, ending the conversation and almost acting like it had never happened.

Milah looks back out at the rolling, her head full of thoughts. It was true of course. She had been in love with Will ever since the day she had washed up on the beaches of Port Royal and opened her eyes to see him hovering above her, concern shining in his beautiful brown eyes.

Milah had always sat idly by, playing the role of the best friend while he fawned over Elizabeth year after year, concealing her feelings. It didn't really matter to her that much. It had once been enough to just be the best friend of the man she loved. She had always been good at hiding her true feelings though. So how could Jack know after only a few hours of knowing her?

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