Love and Betrayal

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They sail all throughout the night, enduring the storm and when daybreak hits, the pirates are exhausted but no signs of it show on their faces. They were pirates after all, they were used to these conditions. Will and Milah however were not and they move below deck to get some much deserved rest.

"Ah! I've never been so happy to see a hammock in my life!" Milah cries dramatically as she jumps into her claimed hammock, tipping her pirate's hat over her eyes to block out all light.

"We can't rest long. Jack said we were close," Will reminds her as he climbs into the hammock beside her.

"Oh lighten up William," she speaks, her face still covered by her hat which, much to her displeasure, is removed when Will reaches over and takes it from her. "Hey! That's my hat, go get your own!" she yells trying to reach for the hat without having to move.

"It's a pirate's hat!"

"And we're on a pirate ship. Sorry for wanting to blend in," she mutters sourly, resting back into her hammock.

"Those clothes do that well enough," he says, making her look up at him in a glare.

"You're just jealous cause I got new clothes and you're stuck in those ones," she smirks, snatching her hat back. A frown crosses her face as a thought strikes her, "Do you really not like my clothes? Everyone seems to think they suit me."

"Well of course pirates are going to say that. After all it makes you look--" Will freezes halfway through his sentence. Milah glances just in time to see a light blush on his cheeks before he looks away.

"What? I look like what?" She persists but is only met with silence followed by the sounds of fake snores. Milah rolls her eyes and kicks his hammock. "Oi!" The snores stop and Will glances back at her. "You can't just stop in the middle of a sentence, it's rude," she criticises but he merely rolls his eyes. "So? What were you going to say?"

"I was gonna say that it makes you look like a pirate," he finally says after a couple more moments of silence.

By the tone of his voice, Milah could tell that Will thought it was a bad thing, a very bad thing. Honestly though she saw nothing wrong with it so she just shrugs, "So?"

"So, you're not a pirate!" Will snaps and Milah leans back into the hammock quietly.

"What's so bad about being a pirate?" She sees out of the corner of her eye Will sit up and face her, his expression one of pure disbelief.

"Tell me you didn't just say that. You've always hated pirates, just as much as me when we left Port Royal," he points out and Milah sighs.

"Well they're not as bad as I thought they would be."

"I can not believe what I'm hearing!" he cries in disbelief, leaning back into the hammock and Milah sighs sadly.

"Look, I'm sorry Will. It's just my opinion okay? Besides its not like I'm best friends with them. I just think they're not as bad as we think. I mean they're helping us find Elizabeth when they don't have to," she points out.

"Doesn't matter they're still pirates and pirates can't be trusted."

Milah turns around in her hammock then and ignores Will, deciding to go to sleep. She blocks out Will calling her name as she allows the constant rocking of the ship to ease her into her dreams and away from a painful reality.


When Milah wakes up, Will is snoring softly in the hammock next to her. She sighs quietly, her expression one of sadness. "I'll never be able to tell him," she mumbles defeated to herself before rising and creeping back up on deck.

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