To Find a Crew

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That night they decide to stay in a room at the inn and by 'they', it was really Jack. Oh, Milah would curse the Captain for the rest of her days for this. The inn is continuously loud throughout the night with glasses smashing from downstairs, yells of triumph and cries of outrage echoing upstairs every few minutes. Jack hands Will the key to a room before hurrying back down into the bar to drink some more.

"Wait so are we meant to share a room?" Milah questions with a frown as the crazy captain disappears down the stairs, bellowing for more rum.

"Guess so," Will shrugs, twirling the key in his hand.

The two of them walk towards the room, dodging several drunken pirates and whores with their customers as they did. As soon as Will opens their designated room, Milah instantly grimaces at how bad it was. She highly doubts the stench circling the room is entirely human and the floorboards were stained to the point she couldn't tell what the original floor colour actually was. The double bed had the sheets roughly tossed on top and the mattress seemed to be missing several bed springs. There is a single lantern planted on top of an old, worn bedside table with what looked more like a stub of wax burning inside of it.

They were pirates, Milah thinks bitterly, they obviously didn't really care where they fell asleep; Mr Gibbs in a pig pen was a perfect example.

"I guess we just have to make the best of this," Will sighs reluctantly and Milah nods, grimace still on her face as her nose continues to crinkle at the smell.

"I suppose so..." she stops dead, turning to see Will removing his shirt. "What are you doing?" She asks, pointedly ignoring the rising heat to her cheeks.

"Getting comfortable," He shrugs like it was no big deal. Milah definitely thought otherwise as she tries not to look at his perfectly sculptured chest. Stupid man, with his stupid, glorious muscles. Milah mentally slaps herself, raising her eyes away and climbing into the bed, taking the side next to the wall. Will follows, and blows out the small candle, burning in the lantern.

The night is silent for perhaps five seconds before a loud smash and a yell echoes from downstairs. It seemed to be a chain reaction as more smashes and cries follow.

Milah groans, "It's going to be a long night."

Will let out a deep chuckle at her annoyance, "G'night Milah."

"Night Will," she replies before turning over, resting her head against the pillow. She did her best to fall asleep, trying to ignore the fact that for the first time she was sharing a bed with the man she loved.

In the morning, the pair are rudely awakened by Jack storming into the room, "Up, up, up, up!" He demands loudly, grabbing the sheets and ripping them away from the pair. Both of them immediately shiver at the brisk morning breeze.

"Why so early?" Milah groans grumpily as she sees the sun had only just risen over the horizon. When no answer comes, she looks around to see that Jack had already left. She turns to Will questioningly but the man only shrugs, pulling on his shirt and leaving the room.

Milah rolls her eyes at lack of response before she hurries after him.


Jack, Will and Milah make their way down to the docks Mr Gibbs guiding them along. They reach the end of the docks where a disheveled, motley and weather-beaten group of about a dozen swabs stand in a ragged line-up. "Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast, every man worth his salt. And crazy to boot," Gibbs announces as they take in the line-up. They weren't very impressive, some even swaying on their feet clearly still drunk from last night and most likely this morning's binge.

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