Chapter 7

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I groan as my alarm clock rips me away from my sweet dreams.

I violently flip over and try to hit the alarm clock only to miss and land hard on my face. Luckily my plush pink carpet softened the fall a little.

I lay face down for a few minutes as the clock continues to buzz. I reluctantly get up and finally turn the clock off.

I look at the time, it reads 10:01. That means my mom already went to work and I have to make my own breakfast.

I slowly struggle down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab a bowl from the cabinet and make myself some cereal.

The week after Lou was here was pretty normal except that he waved at me a few times. I felt like I got past the road block of communication with him, and if we hung out more we would get somewhere. 

Damn. Here I go again, thinking that I have a chance. I genuinely need to move on, I just don't know how.

I finish eating in about 5 minutes then rush upstairs to get ready for my friends to come over.


Luemas POV.

I yawn as I look around my room. I am so bored that I finished my homework on a Saturday instead of Monday morning as usual. All of my friends are at football practice. I failed my last math test so I'm not allowed to play unless I pass next week's test. Which is on Friday. Our next game is Friday afternoon so as the quarterback I really have to pass that test.

But the sad part is, I can barely solve these problems. I sigh and groan in my pillow.
I glanced at the time and realize it's only 4:52 pm. I decide to take a nap before I leave for the party at 8:30.

Elleag POV.

"You really think that?" I ask as I lean forward in the small circle me and my buds formed in my bedroom.

"Totally!" Yaz responds as the other girls nod their approval.

The girls came over to hang out and go to the party together. It also counted as a sleepover since they would sleep here after we get back from the party. Right now they were trying to convince me that Lou was going to ask me to the party that time he came over.

I roll my eyes and laugh at how dumb that is.
"Why else would his expression change when he heard Kyle asked you right in his face?" Jessica questions.

"I dont know.... Maybe he doesn't like Kyle?" I offer.

Princess sighs and shakes her head. 

"What?" I ask.

"You're so dense Elle, you never notice what's going on around you." Princess clarifies.

What if they were right? What if it's my ignorance that is ruining my chances?  

Nah. If he really wanted me like that, he'd just ask like Kyle did.

I look over at the clock and realize it reads 5:03 pm.

"Oh my gosh! We need to start getting ready for the party!" I scream.

"Shit. You're right." Jess says as we all get up and rush to plug in our hair tools.

We have a strategy whenever we are going out and need to dress up. I do Princess' hair and Jessica does Yaz's hair then we switch. Jess and I have thinner hair so it doesn't hold as long as Princess' or Yaz's with out a ton of hair spray.

After about 1 hour and a half I finally finish Princess' long hair. I gave her loose curls and pinned them up so we could get dressed. Jess finished about 20 minutes ago and is getting her hair straightened. I sit down in front of my large mirror next to Jess as Princess starts to straighten my short hair.

"So Kyle said he's coming at about 8:30 to pick us up." I tell the other girls. 

"Cool. Do you even like him like that?"  Princess asks.

I shrug and respond, "Not really, he's nice and all but I've never thought of him as more than a friend."

"That's understandable. He's not exactly cute." Jessica inputs. Putting air quotes around "cute."

"You're so mean Jess," I reply, giggling.

"I prefer the term, honest."

We all laugh because we know that Jess can be hilariously brutally honest.

"I guess you're right, but maybe he can help me keep my mind off of Lou." I announce.

"Maybe he can," Yaz says.

"All done!" Princess declares, turning off the flat iron.

I look at the mirror and find that my hair is pin straight. It is super sleek and slants down to my chin so it accentuates my sharp jawline. I smile into the mirror as I pull out Princess' makeup. We do the same set up for make up as we do hair.

I use her makeup to give her a soft look with a baby pink lip.
I try to keep her look very natural and focus on bringing out her natural beauty, which isn't very difficult. 

After about 20 minutes I spin her chair back around and show her the finished result. 

"Yes! I look beautiful! You always know how to make me look my best!" Princess claims as she grins at herself in the mirror. 

"Of course. It's not hard to make a beautiful girl, beautiful." I tease.

"I'm flattered," Princess responds with a hand over her heart while laughing. 

Jessica is still finishing up the smokey eye she is doing for Yaz. 

A glance at the clock tells me that it's 7:42 pm

"Oh my gosh! We need to get a move on." I exclaim as I hurriedly sit  in the chair and face Princess. 


Luemas POV. 

I stand in front of the mirror and run my hands through my hair, creating a tousled look that girls find sexy. I roll up the sleeves of my light blue button up shirt and tie the laces of my navy vans that match my navy pants. I take one last look in the mirror and say "Damn man, you're sexy as fuck."

I chuckle to myself and spray on some cologne before I leave the empty house I was stuck in. I walk up to my car and notice Kyle walking up to Elle's porch  to pick her up.

I sigh to myself and unlock my car.

"Hey man!!" I hear Kyle yell to me. 

I groan but put a smile on my face, I try my best to be nice to all of my schoolmates so I don't become the cliche jerky jock. 

"Sup Kyle!" I force out.

"You're going to the party too right?" he asks

"Yeah." I respond. 

"Cool. I came to pick up Elle and her friends so we could go together." He explains.

"Yeah man. Good for you getting a chance with Elle." I say, keeping the fake joy on my face.

"I know right! She's so hot. I wonder if she'll let me hit it tonight." Kyle says laughing.

Hearing him say that caused my facade to fall and anger to take over. 

"I doubt she'll let your scrawny ass hit anything. If you haven't noticed, she doesn't just hop on any dick in sight." I yell to him and hop in my car before driving away.

"Fucking bastard." I growl. 

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