Chapter 18

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"Why are you walking with this loser?" Brielle asks Dean as we're walking to lunch. 

"I'm not walking with you Brielle." He replies calmly. 

"I'm talking about Elleag obviously!" 

"Move, bitch." I declare, finally fed up with her.

"EXCUSE ME??" She screeches.

"You heard me. Bitch." I say, emphasizing "bitch."  

She squints her eyes at me. "You will regret this. Orphan." 

Tears blur my eyes as I slap the evil grin right off of her face.

Dean wraps his arms around me so I won't attack Brielle further. 

"Just wait." She threatens, holding her now red cheek. 

Tears stream down my face as I fall to the floor. Dean comes down with me and holds me as I cry. 

I know she's a heartless dick muncher but how could she use my dad against me?? Dean's warm fingers wipe tears from my face. 

Who knew that a hot, sweet, seemingly perfect guy would be comforting me as I break down in the hallway. 

 Who knew I'd ever break down in school. This usually happens early in the morning when I'm alone... 

"Oh my gosh... Are you ok?" Yaz questions as she rushes over to me. 

Only a few steps behind, Princess and Jess rush over. 

"Who made her cry?" Jess asks Dean, already angry. 

"Brielle..." Dean says after looking to me for approval.

"That dirty slug!" Jess yells as she prepares to go after her.

I grab her hand, "Don't. I slapped her and she threatened me."

"What did she threaten to do?" Jess asks, slowly returning to her place before me. 

"She didn't say exactly..." I mumble. 

"You look like you need some ice cream." Princess suggests. 

I nod as I wipe my tears with a tissue Yaz hands me. 

Warmth spreads through my body as Dean rubs my back.

"Elle??" A slightly raspy voice yells. 


Leumas POV

I finally find Elle in a protective circle in the corner of the hallway. As I approach I notice Dean's arm caressing Elle's back. Her eyes are slightly puffy from crying. 

"Are you feeling better?" I ask as I cautiously join the circle.

"I'll get better..." She answers. 

"Would you like to get ice cream after school?" Dean asks her. 

The small green monster in my head stuck out its head. I silently pray she declines or at least make it a group thing. 

"That would be great..." She replies. 

"Great! So we're getting ice cream after school." Jess declares. "Are you available Lou?"

I mentally thank God for Jess. 

"Yeah, that'd be fun." I respond.

I look over at Dean, who is completely unbothered by me coming. 


The bell rings forcing us to scurry to our feet. 

"I'll see you guys later." Elle says as she hugs each of her friends and Dean. The hug she gave him seemed to be a million years longer than the others. 

I take a deep breathe and decide to make a bold move. 

As we walk towards our English class I reach for Elle's hand. She responds by entwining her fingers in mine. 

I look over at her and smile. I can feel my grin overtaking my face as she smiles back and a deep blush floods her face. 

When we turn the corner I see a red faced Brielle rushing up to us. I pull Elle behind me in an attempt to protect her. 

Before I realize it Brielle grabs my face in her hands and presses her cold thin lips against mine. 

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