Chapter 24

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The past week has been amazing. 

Lou walked me to most of my classes, we sat at lunch together, and we did homework and studied together. 

I notice a newfound sparkle in my eyes and a glow around me as I get ready for shopping. 

I wear my khaki boyfriend shorts, a plain white tank, and nude sandals. 

A car honks outside. I grab my small cross body bag and jog to Princess' family car. We need a larger car to fit our bigger group and shopping bags. 

"Hey guys!!" I exclaim as I climb in next to Lou. Everyone responds just as cheerfully. Lou places a quick kiss on my lips as a greeting. We're forced to sit in the back row since Jess and Spencer already share the second row. 

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Yaz turns on the radio. One of our favorite pop songs starts blasting. As if on cue we all start singing at the top of our lungs. Thank the lord we all have pretty good singing voices. We end up creating a harmony since Princess and Jess are altos, while Yaz and I are sopranos. 

Out of the corner of my eye I notice the way Spencer stares lovingly at Jess as she loses herself in the song. I look over at Lou and smirk when I find the same look on his face. His cheeks tint pink when he realizes he's been caught. 

The song end and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder and lay there contently as we drive to the mall. 

After a few minutes of mindless chatter we arrive.

 We get out and head to a popular prom dress to start our search. A slim, young, joyful woman greets us. Her name tag reads, Veronica.

"Welcome! Does anyone have something in mind?" She asks with a warm smile. 

"Do you have any long, flowy, earthy toned dresses?" Princess asks. 

"I think we have some. I'll go grab a few. You can wait for me in this changing room." The lady responds, pointing out a clean white changing room for Princess to enter. 

"What do you want?" Spencer asks Jess. 

"I was thinking a black mermaid dress." She responds. 

Spencer smirks, "You'd look hot in that." 

She blushes slightly and giggles. 

"You can blush??" Yaz practically yells.

Lou and I laugh, knowing that Jess is usually the tough one of the group. 

"Things change when you find 'love'." I tease, drawing out the word "love." 

Spencer and Jess immediately morph into tomatoes. 

"I'm still a bad ass bitch," Jess winks. 

We all laugh and nod in agreement. 

Veronica returns with a couple long dresses in her arms. She walks into the dressing room and emerges a few minutes later with Princess. 

She's wearing a strapless, indigo, mermaid dress. Knowing her, I understand that she doesn't like the style of the dress. But, her face remains pleasant as to not make the saleswoman feel bad. 

"What do you guys think?" Veronica gushes, clearly approving her choice. 

"It's beautiful... Just not me." Princess quietly admits. 

"I understand. There are more to choose from." She responds, unfazed. 

As she runs through a couple more dresses my mind drifts off to when Lou asked me to prom. 

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