Chapter 13

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Hey!! I'm talk to like two people but I'm sure those numbers will go up soon lol. If you're confused, every chapter starts in Elleag's POV unless it says otherwise. That's all, get back to reading...
"Hey!! You're right on time!" I exclaim as I open the door for Lou. I notice he's holding a plate that's covered in tin foil.

"Yeah, I didn't want to waste any of your time. You're already being so gracious in helping me." He rushes out.

"It's no problem!" I insist while closing the door behind him and placing the plate on the coffee table.

"Make yourself at home." I say to fill the silence.

He sits on the couch and then uncovers the plate to reveal the most beautiful plate of brownies ever!
Luemas POV

"I made you some brownies to thank you," I told Elle.

The look on her face already told me that I did a good job. Her usually icy blue eyes seemed to twinkle and glow.

"You made those?" Was her immediate response.

I blushed slightly as I respond, "Yep, all me." 

"They look delicious. Thank you." She says graciously. A pleased grin on her face as she took a bite of one.

A quiet moan escapes her mouth as she chews.

I let out a chuckle, "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you like them..." 

She blushes slightly and nods. As much as I love watching her enjoy something I made for her, I begin to unpack my bag. I lay out all the materials and open to the chapter that the test will be on.

I contemplate asking her about her date with Kyle. 

Seeing as I would have no other opportunities to ask without interrupting her helping me, I decide to get it over with.

"So... How was your date with Kyle?" I ask, hearing my voice tremble.

The twinkle in her eye seemed to dull a bit. She slowly chews the bite she took as her eyes roam my face.

Finally she responds, "It was cool. He talks a bit much, though." 

I hold back my smile, I'm happy that she isn't into him. 

"Well, that's Kyle for you. You should go out with someone who will listen to you." I say.

She chuckles, "No one else is into me though."

I stare at her for a while before saying, "That's a lie." 

"How would you know?" She asks.

"I hear and see things you don't." 

She squints her eyes at me as if her eyes will shoot lasers at me. She eats the small piece of brownie that was in her hand.

"That was great! But we should get started." Elle says as she sits next to me on the couch. 

I nod in agreement.

"Do you know what you're having trouble with?" She asks.

I explain my issues to her and watch as she looks to be thinking about a solution. She bites her lip while scanning a textbook page. Her soft pink full lips. 

"So, you need to be careful in how you write the equation for this-" she begins. 

I feel heat rush to my cheeks as I realize where my mind was going. I push the thoughts to the back of my head and focus on her explanation.
Elleag POV

I watch as Lou solved a practice problem that I gave him. The way he bit his lip and the determination in his face made the crush I was trying to get over come back twice as bad.

"Done." He declares as his head comes up from his slouched position.

I check his work. A smile forms on my face, after only an hour and a half of explaining the unit, he finally can do it on his own. 

"Good job! This is perfect!" I tell him. 

He grins back at me. "Thanks to you. You're a great teacher!" 

I blush slightly at his compliment. 


After another hour of studying we decide to stop.

"You'll do great on the test!" I assure Lou as I walk him to the door.

"Thank you again, Elle." He says sincerely.

"It's no problem."

Just as I was sitting back on the couch my mom walks in.

"Hey Mom," I say getting up to greet her. 

"Hello dear, why did I see Leumas leaving my house?" My mom questions.

"I was helping him study for the math test Friday." 

She stared at me with her green eyes and then nodded. "Ok."

She goes up to her room to change from her long work day.

I pick up my phone and text the group chat.

He just left.

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