Chapter 1

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A pleasant smile forms on my face as I look over my outfit in the mirror. My short blonde hair is a little wavy, which gives it some volume. My short floral black skirt gives the illusion of curves and my white cotton tee shows off the ones I actually have.

Glancing at the clock I realize that I have 15 minutes to make the 10 minute walk to school and stop at my locker.

As I look up to the window I notice Lou walking out in dark jeans and a plain tee.

He looks amazing, as always...

He's tall and lean, with soft brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes that change color in different lighting. His skin seems to glow a soft tan color.

I casually walk out of my house and walk to the crossing without looking at Lou. I learned a long time ago that approaching him first only made me look like a fool.

"Hey Elle." He greets with a warm smile.

"Hi Lou." I reply calmly. Fighting the urge to grin back at him.

"Do you mind if I see your math homework?" He asks nervously as his previously glowing green eyes cloud a bit.

My heart sinks a little. It seems that whenever he seems happy to see me, there's an ulterior motive. "Sure." I reluctantly respond.

We stand on the block for a few minutes as he hurriedly copies my answers.

When we walk in, I immediately go in the direction of my locker where my friends are waiting.


Later in the day, in math class, my seat was moved away from Leumas. This was the only class that I had with Lou where I was sitting next to him. I guess it's not a big deal but I have no excuse to talk to him outside of our teacher making us work as partners.

"Elleag, what is the solution to this equation?" Mrs. Brown asks.

Fuck. I wasn't paying attention.

I glance at the worksheet that I was working on before I zoned out.
"Um... I got 5.6 x 10 squared." I say, guessing which problem she was doing.

"Yes, you see everyone Elleag gets it I don't understand why the rest of you don't."

A sigh of relief exits my mouth.

Leumas POV

I glance back at my worksheet. The numbers and letters seemed to blend together into a complicated mess.

Elleag is so smart, she always manages to understand things no one else does. It's one of the reasons I like her. But, she'd never like me. I try to impress her all the time but she never notices me. She's always in her own world.

I look over to find her staring blankly at the sheet with her short blonde hair shielding her from my gaze. The way her short blonde hair accentuates her jaw. Her crystal blue eyes that seem to see everything but nothing at the same time. Her soft pink lips that she's always biting.

I let out a quiet groan as I realize that I'm doing it again. I constantly get distracted by her beauty but still haven't gotten the courage to ask her out.

I haven't even had to courage to tell my friends. If it wasn't for Brielle pretending that we're a thing people might have noticed by now. Brielle and I were a thing way back in sophomore year but she still thinks I want her.

"Remember to do the practice problems for homework," Mrs. Brown says, bringing me back to reality.

The bell rings and I pack up and head to my English class.

Elleag POV

In my last period class, English, our teacher Mr.Davis decides to rearrange our seats. I end up in the very back right next to Leumas.

Well, I guess it's balanced now.

I bend over to take out my notebook and pencils- poke

I jolt back up. I look over to see him looking at me with a grin on his face.

"What?" I ask, trying my best to keep my tone even.

"Um... So... I wanted to ask... If.....uhh... Never mind.." He stutters, something he rarely does.

"Um..." I reply, feeling confused and curious. I wonder what he was gonna ask me. "If what?"

He awkwardly chuckles, "Nothing it was a stupid question."

"Are you sure?" I ask one more time.

"Yes. I'm sure." He says calmly.

"Okay," I shrug. I get out my stuff and class starts.

"Elleag, can you please tell us what happened in chapter 19 of the novel?" Mr.Davis asks after asking us to take out our homework.

My mind goes completely blank. I'm only up to Chapter 14 of the book.

"Rosalinda dies of starvation..." Someone whispers.

I look over and Leumas is motioning to me to say it.

Why is he helping me?

"Elleag, we're waiting..." Says Mr.Davis, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh yes. Rosalinda sadly passes away due to starvation..." I hesitantly say as I look over to Leumas with a worried look.

"Very good." He says "Zendaya, please elaborate on--

"Thank you so much." I whisper to Leumas.

"No problem.." He says with a huge grin on his face.

"Why did you help me though?" I say, foolishly allowing myself to hope he admits his nonexistent feelings towards me.

"You gave me your homework this morning, so it was the least I could do to pay you back." He says with a shrug.

Leumas POV

Her face falls a little as I say that. I wonder why...

I may be the quarterback of our football team, but I don't actually trust many people. No one knows that I don't have as much courage as they think I do.

"Oh... Makes sense..." She replies, then turns to face Mr.Davis.

I watch as her face seems to harden. I wonder what I did to make her mad. But she does look cute like that...

Elleag POV

Obviously it's because of that. What did I expect him to say? Why would he like me? I'm not ugly, but I'm not gorgeous either.He has so many other choices anyway. We don't even talk that much, so I'm sure he's not head over heels with my personality.

Do I really want to spend the rest of the year obsessed with a guy who doesn't like me back?


I don't.

Looking over at him, I promise to myself that I will get over Lou by graduation.

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