Chapter 19

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A numbness seems to take over my body as I watch Brielle kiss Lou. 

It feels like eternity before he pushes her off. 

"Don't ever touch me like that ever again! We aren't together! When will you finally realize that?" Lou says anger evident on his face. 

I watch in silence as Brielle stomps one foot on the floor.

"You're useless without me!! Are you really going to choose her over me?" She yells. "Dean might've already claimed her desperate ass anyway." 

Fury runs through my veins but I decide not to add fuel to the fire. I notice as more and more people begin turning their attention to the scene Brielle's making. 

Lou takes a deep breath before saying, "I would chose Elle over any girl in the world."

I look around at everyone. 

Then I burst into laughter. 

I get it now!! The senior prank is on me!!

"Wow. You guys are great actors. You really had me for a second." I respond as I force out some more laughter. 

"Has your loneliness finally driven you crazy?" Brielle questions, seemingly confused.

"Choke on a pineapple, ok?" I respond. 

She rolls her eyes. 

"This is real, Elle." Lou says. "I- I- I like you..." 


Leumas POV

Her piercing blue eyes searched my soul. 

I could feel sweat bead on my forehead. This isn't what I expected it would be like when I finally told her.

The crowd that was slowly forming seemed to get that Elle needed some private time so they began heading to class. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Brielle screeches. 

"Why are you still here?" I asked, getting fed up with her shit. 

"Fuck you both!" She declares then stomps away. 

"Her presence alone gives me cancer," Elle mumbles when the hallway clears out. 

I chuckle. Then realize I never got a response.

I look down at the floor and take another deep breath before saying, "I was serious. I do like you... I have for a while and I never had the guts to tell you. Honestly, I still don't."

"Are you serious?" She asks cautiously. 

Click Clack Click Clack

"Fuck..." I whisper as I grab Elle's elbows and start running into the nearest room. 

Once I close the door I realize I fucked up. 

"Is this a closet?" Elle whispers.


She tries to move back but ends up slipping. I quickly reach out to grab her, but her leg ends up in between my thighs since she kicked up. 

"Sorry?" She whispers. 

I thank the darkness for concealing the deep blush that took over my face. 

"Well, since we keep getting interrupted. I am serious. I do like you." I assure her, feeling more comfortable saying it a third time. 


"Why not? You're beautiful, smart, and super kind." I respond. 

"You really think so?" She asks nervously. 

"I do." I assure her. "Do you feel the same?"

It seems to be eternity as I stand waiting for a response. 

Suddenly her arms wrap around my waist and her soft lips press against mine. 

I could almost feel the violins playing in the distance. I could almost see the doves flying above us. 

It was perfect. 

The girl I liked for years was finally in my arms. 

The lips I had admired were finally against mine. 



How are you guys? You're all so quiet. You should comment and let me know if you like the story. Recommend it to a friend. Vote. Something? 

I don't bite lol. You can totally message me, I want to know what you guys think.

Do you guys see my AWESOME TRAILER??? ChasingMadness24 made it for me.

Also, do you guys like my new cover?? coverdust- made it.

I'd like to thank you both!! You both did GREAT jobs and I'm really happy about how they turned out. 

And if you haven't noticed my first three chapters have become one so the beginning is way better but I lost like 200 reads because they were deleted along with the chapters.

Oh well. They're so much better now. 

If you read to the end of this note comment who you ship. 

Elle and Lou?


Elle and Dean?

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