Chapter 14

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"Daddy!!" I yelled excitedly as my young arms wrap around my father's waist.
"Hey sweetheart," he cheerfully responded while picking me up and twirling me around.
My long blonde hair swirled around my face. I giggled, truly at peace in my dad's arms.

All of a sudden... I feel my body slam into the cold floor. When I open my eyes, my dad isn't there anymore. I crawled into a sitting position and searched the darkness for him but found myself alone.
A small tear slides down my face.
Buzz Buzz 

The sound of my alarm clock pulls me from the nightmare. I have been having this dream since my dad abandoned us years ago. 

I wipe the tears off my face and get ready for school.

I put on a pair of gray high waisted jeans and a white crop top. I throw on a long gray cardigan that falls below my butt and slip on my lace nude flats. Looking into the mirror I decide to middle part my hair and leave it wavy. The only make up I apply is a bit of pink lip gloss.

7:47 am  

I have thirteen minutes till school starts and I don't even have my phone and bookbag. I rush down the stairs nearly tripping and destroying my outfit.

"Lord help me..." I mutter to myself.

I grab my bag and phone then rush out the house. Lucky for me, I can make the walk to school 5 minutes. I start to cross the street without even glancing at Lou's house.

"Elle! Wait up!" I hear his voice yell from a few yards away.

I get to the other side before I turn and wait for him. I stare into his eyes, wondering why he wants to walk with me all of a sudden. 

"Do you want the math homework?" I ask once he reaches me.

His previously excited grin seemed to fall into a forced smile.

"No. The study session really helped me! I feel like I can finally see when I look at the problems." He answers. 

A faint smile forms on my face.

"Glad I could help."

Luemas POV

After a minute of silent walking I hear Elle groan.

I look over at her and raise an eyebrow.

A blush starts from her cheeks and grows to her ears.

"What's wrong?" I cautiously ask.

She sighs before replying, "Kyle thinks I had a good time and is probably going to try and talk to me today but I don't feel like talking to him ever again."

Once again I have to pretend I'm not happy that she doesn't like Kyle.

"Well, you should tell him you're not into him before he gets you to do something you may regret." I respond calmly, referring to his goal of screwing her. 

She nods slowly.

I open the school door for her and we walk into the busy hallways where it seems everyone is looking at us.

I turn to tell her I'll see her in math but she's already gone...
Elleag POV

"He walked with you to school? And you still insist that he doesn't like you??" Yaz practically squeals into my ear as I grab a few books from my locker. 

I sigh. 

"He just happened to leave at the same time as me. He just thought it would be awkward if he just trailed me to school." I respond. 

"You're an idiot." Jessica inserts.

"You'll see it soon enough," Princess softly says.

"You guys are delusional," I exclaim while closing my locker.

"The bells about to ring, let's head to our classes." Princess reminds us. We hug each other and head our separate ways.

I walk into my first period class, French. My family is French which makes this class my favorite. Except for some idiots who speak like robots...

I sit in my seat next to the only guy in school who is almost as hot as Lou and is super sweet, Dean.

The only reason I don't have a crush on him is because he's always in a relationship. He is literally everything you would want in a guy except he's never single.

He smiles at me like he normally does and I smile back.

"Are you ready for the math test Friday?" I ask casually. 

"I need to study," he says while laughing.

The sun seems to fall right on his brown hair and he seems to glow as he laughs with me.

"Bonjour mes élèves," Mrs.Debois greets the class.

"Bonjour Madame Debois," we respond in unity. 

I flip through the textbook to the exercise that we have as a do now. Since it says to work with a partner I turn to Dean and find him already facing me.

"You ready to do Exercise 4?" I ask.

"Yeah," he responds while writing his heading.

Halfway through working on the exercise Dean looks up at me and asks, "Are you and Kyle together?" 

I roll my eyes before responding, "No, we went on one date and I don't think there will be another." 

A small smirk forms on his face.

"So that means I can take you out for lunch on Saturday?" He asks.


A hot guy, asking ME out?? 

This must be a joke... Maybe the senior prank this year is on me!!

I stare into his eyes, searching for any sign of a lie. I'm glad to find only sincerity in his eyes because he is the last guy in this school that I completely trust.

"Sure, that'd be cool." I respond a little hesitantly.

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