Chapter 17

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When Jess and I reach the office, we sit on the two chairs that are right in front of Mrs. John's desk. 

"I told you not to do anything..." I muttered to Jess.

She laughs. "Did you really think I'd listen to you? He deserved it anyway." 

"I guess he did..." I reluctantly agree.

"The rest of you will have to stand," Mrs. John says as everyone besides Kyle walks in. "Did no one bring him?"

She gets up and rolls her eyes as she walks over to an intercom and requests for someone to help Kyle into her office.

After a few minutes of silence a large security guard carries him in.

Mrs. John gestures to an area near Mike for the guard to place him.

"Can't I go to the nurse?" Kyle asks from where he struggled to stand.

"You will go to the nurse after we get to the bottom of this." Mrs. John responds, taking a seat at her desk.

"First question, Elleag why are you involved in this?"

"Kyle told Mike, Leumas, and Dean that he would sleep with me even if I didn't want to." I practically whisper as tears form in my eyes.

"Kyle is this true?" She asks him.

"I-I-It was-I was caught in the moment. I didn't mean it..." He stutters.

"Bullshit!!" A girl named Destiny from my science class declares.

"So you're telling me you were caught in the moment when you did that to me??" Her friend Lexi sobs.

My jaw drops as I realize why they're here. They are previous victims of Kyle. I can't believe he's a legit rapist! I look around and see that Lou's face is red and he's clenching his fists. Dean is glaring at Kyle while clenching his jaw. Mike looks as if he's stressed and looks sympathetically at the girls. The girls are comforting each other. I look back at Mrs. John as she assesses the situation. Jess looks like she's ready to knock Kyle into the future.

"Alexandria? Destiny? Would you girls like to elaborate on what happened to you two regarding Kyle?" Mrs. John asks when the girls calm down a bit.

"At a party, I was dancing with Kyle and he asked me if I was thirsty. I know what people say about not getting your own drinks at parties but I went on a few dates with him before that and I trusted him not to add anything into it. Boy was I wrong... I felt dizzy after drinking it so I let him take me home and when I woke up I was naked and bruised. When I looked around he was sleeping right next to me. He scared me and I never got the nerve to talk until I saw him as bruised and weak as I was..." Lexi explains.

I can't even look at Kyle as the tears begin to stream down my face again.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Destiny, would you like to tell us your story?" Mrs. John says softly.

After Destiny tells her story it becomes clear to me that Kyle likes to take his victims out first so that there is a sense of trust before he rapes them.

My heart aches a bit as I realize that he only took me out for his gain in the end. The fact that he would do it whether I wanted to or not made it even worse.
Leumas POV

It takes every ounce of willpower in my body to not send Kyle into a different dimension.  He doesn't even look apologetic about the situation. He's just slumping there with a smug look on his face.

"Are your bruises healed?" Mrs. John asks, concern plain on her face.

One of the girls who I think is Destiny walks up to Mrs. John and pulls up the hem of her shirt to expose a dark purple hand print.

"This one is still visible..." She whispers. 

"How would you know that's mine?" Kyle defends.

"Oh shut up, you're a rapist and everyone knows that now." Jess declares.

"Jessica has a point, I already saw the messages. At this point I'm just assessing the severity of the situation." Mrs. John agrees.

Kyle groans then starts coughing again.

"Kyle, I'll give you one chance. Have you done this to anyone who's not in my office right now?" Mrs. John asks.

"No..." Kyle mumbles while staring at the ground.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure..."

"If I find any more cases you will get double the punishment." Mrs. John threatens. 

I watch as Kyle stares intensely at the floor. 

"Thank you everyone, I will be investigating this to make sure I'm aware of all the cases and Kyle will be taken care of." Mrs. John explains. "If you are aware of any other cases, bring them to my attention as soon as possible." 

Everyone but Kyle nods. 

"You may return to your normal classes."

I walk out of the office and wait for Elle. 

She walks out behind Jessica with Dean's arm around her shoulders. My heart drops as I watch him wipe tears from her eyes. 

Jessica gives me an apologetic look. 

"Thank you for defending me, Lou." Elle says after regaining her composure. 

I think of saying something flirty like "Anything for you," or "I'll always be there for you," but I settle on a simple, "It's no problem." 

She nods and walks with Dean to her first period class even though we have like 10 minutes left in the period. 

"What's meant to be will be..." Jessica whispers to me before disappearing down the hallway.






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