Chapter 18:Coming Home Pt.1

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"Tell the world I'm coming, home." ~DiddyDirtyMoneyxComingHome
A Month In A Half Later...

August p.o.v.

"August Alsina..."

I approach the stage with a proud look on my face as I receive my diploma and shake principal amois's hand.

I glanced into the audience to see my mother taking pictures while crying. Melvin kept shouting "that's my baby brother y'all!"

"Priscilla Andrewson..." Priscilla came up with the same look as her family also applauded and shouted.

"Christopher Brown..." Chris hopped on stage doing the naenae. His goofy ass had everybody laughing. He's been ight since him and daysia broke up.

*skips some random names*

"Zoey King..." Everyone looked around buy she was no where to be found. I wonder how she could even graduate and she wasn't here for finals.

*skips some more random names*

"Rhiana Sanders..." My attention immediately shot to the stage entrance where rhiana slowly approached the stage with the fakest smile she could put on. I know this past month has been hard for her. I fucked up not telling her about my son and learned that secrets are not to hide, the hard way. I still visit aleah at the hospital, but she doesn't know.

I pray that she will wake up to help rhiana with this baby even when I'm not around. Rhiana glanced at me and we stared at each other. I saw hurt, betrayal, struggle, and anger in her eyes. I turned away from her.

I thought about derek just then, his birthday was next week. And I still haven't heard from erika. With all the problems in my least a proud moment is shared.

*After Graduation*

Rhiana's p.o.v.

"Priscilla!! Omg it's been so long!"

"Rhi Rhi omg!!" She ran to me. She jumped on me as I nearly fell.

"Dang Priscilla I nearly fell!" I stank faced her.

"I couldn't help it, I haven't seen my bestie for ages!" She said hugging me again.

"I can't believe we just graduated high school!" I sighed.

"I how's August and... the baby?" I rolled my eyes as I glanced at him.

"I haven't talked to that thing since last month when his baby mama decided to pop her crazy ass up at my house."

"Forreal!!? What happened!?"

"Let's just say...shit got real if you know what I mean..." I held out my fists. She gasped.

"Y'all fought! Rhiana are you crazy!? She could have hurt my little niece or nephew!" I chuckled.

"Trust me, she won't be popping up at my house no more." I smirked.

"But uh...I found out..august has a son..." My smile faded.

"I uh...oh! Hehe..."


"Huh? Oh-"

"You knew didn't you?!"

"Sorry rhi..." I groaned.

"It''s fine, you uh..probably had a reason to not tell me."

"I promised him I wouldn't tell you, only because-"

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