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Hello my fellow's been a while. A VERY LONG WHILE. I've been M.I.A for about almost a year and I SINCERELYYYYY apologize to my readers for ditching the book and disappearing on you guys with no warning. But I've been going through a lot and now I've decided to come back and finish what I started. It's a long story I'll have to explain another day..but in the meantime thank you to all my readers who continued reading and sharing my story. I appreciate you all and now my goal is to revamp this book and re-edit it so it can be better for you guys to understand what's going on throughout the book. Because this....this shit here is alllll over the place. Also I want to put things into my books that you guys can relate to. If you have any suggestions you're free to comment. Again sorry for the wait but I'm back and better honestly.

Much love,


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