Chapter Two

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"Uh, hello. My name is Burton Guster. I'm looking for a John Doe that was brought here very recently. He was struck -"

"By lightning, yeah. You'll find him up three floors in the ICU. Do you know him?" The receptionist said.

"Yeah, he's my best friend actually. Shawn Spencer, psychic detective who works with the SBPD," Gus stated nonchalantly, holding up the identification.

"Oh yeah, him! Well, I'm very sorry, but they aren't letting visitors in at the moment. There is a waiting room upstairs though, I'm sure they'll let you stay there until there is any news."

"Thank you ma'am." Right as Gus turned to go to the elevator, Henry crashed through the door. "Mr. Spencer! Over here!"

Henry softened up at the sight of Gus. "Where is he?"

"Upstairs. Let's go." They both stepped into the elevator and Gus hit the button labelled four. "Henry, on the news, he said that Shawn is still alive. I'm not saying that we should throw a party right now, but there is a chance."

"I know, Gus. Shawn's too stubborn to die, he hasn't even gone on a date with Juliet since Canada," Henry said, trying to mask his sorrow and worry.

"I know, it's crazy, right?" Gus agreed, playing along.

"There are so many things he hasn't done yet. He can't - he can't die yet. We need him and he's too selfish to think of that! He remembers what I told him about being struck and he went out for a ride anyways! Y- you know what? Im going home." Henry stormed off, and Gus took a seat in the plastic waiting chair.


Shawn felt jittery. Not like 'he has just drank a Red Bull and could run maybe five minutes longer than usual' energized, but 'he could run the entire length of the Grand Canyon in less than an hour' energized. But the issue was, he couldn't open his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, it was like they were glued shut. Giving up after five minutes, he drifted off into a deep sleep and peacefully dreamed about something less peaceful.


Suddenly, Shawn saw himself at the Psych office. The calendar read August 25, 2011, which was strange because that was three days from now. Gus wasn't there yet, it was only noon, when the phone rang. His dream self picked it up, and it was Chief Vick, saying that there's a serial killer whose target is all of the psychics in Santa Barbara. Dream Shawn said something inaudible, and the Chief gasped. Dream Shawn chuckled and said he would at the station in a few minutes, then hung up.


Two days later...

Shawn shot awake, prying his eyes open and breathing heavily. "Woah, woah, woah, Mr. Spencer, slow down!" A doctor said.

"Shawn!" Henry and Gus shouted simultaneously. After all of their pestering, the doctor had finally allowed them into the room the night before.

"Wha-? Where am I? Who are you?"

"Mr. Spencer, how much do you remember?" The doctor asked, shooing Henry and Gus out of the room.

"Uh... I went for a motorcycle ride, and a storm hit. Then there was a fire or something... I could feel the heat really close by." Shawn looked up at the doctor, whose name tag read Dr. Erskin.

"Well, Mr. Spencer, you have most of it, but there was no fire. How do you feel?"

"Well, I feel great. Like I could run a marathon. So what happened?"

"Hmm. I need to run some quick result test and then I'll tell you. Okay, Mr. Spencer?"

"Olay, only as long as you drop 'Mr. Spencer' and just call me Shawn," Shawn bargained.

"Okay, Shawn. Stay right there and I'll get the materials I need!" Shawn nodded and settled back into the hospital bed.

When the doctor left, he felt a pounding headache beginning to form in his head, right behind his eyes. Suddenly, his vision blurred. He saw test results, showing that something was off the charts weird, but not being a doctor, Shawn didn't understand what was wrong with whoever the test results were for. Where's your pharmaceutical-ley friend when you need him? Shawn thought to himself, which pulled his concentration from the test results, and he slowly came to in the present world. His headache had also diminished. Huh... Shawn thought. That's weird.


After Henry left to change and shower, Gus had sat down for a coffee, and was rather enjoying it for being hospital vending machine brand, when he got a call. "Shawn, what do you want, and do not say pineapple smoothies or I will kill you!"

"Darn. Well, there goes that. But wait, there's something else I need to ask you."

"Isn't there always?" Gus asked.

"In all seriousness, though. What test results from MRIs or CATs and such look like polygraph ones? Like, the mountainy ones, where the line spikes when the person is lying... except with a medical scanner?"

"Uh, there's tons of them! Why? What are you getting at?"

"I thought I saw something. But maybe I was just imagining it. Well, thanks buddy! Oh, Dr. Erskin is back, I'd better go. Talk to you later!"

Gus looked at his phone weirdly, as if Shawn could see his face. That was abrupt... whatever. I should give him a break, he was just struck by lightning.


Shawn smiled at the doctor as he re-entered the room.

"So doc, what first?"

"An EEG," he said. Seeing Shawn's confused face, he explained, "An electroencephalogram, to scan for brain activity."

"And would these tests have results that look like polygraph ones?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Like a kid's drawing of a mountain range."

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Oh, they didn't tell you? I'm a psychic detective. I work with the SBPD," Shawn said proudly.

"Are you now? Do they know you're here?"

"Oh, thanks for the reminder! Do you mind if I call them and let them know I'll be back in business tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Isn't that a bit soon? You did in fact get struck by lightning," Dr. Erskin said, chuckling a little.

"But that's exactly the thing! Wait, really? Because I feel fine! I could run a marathon, leap over the Grand Canyon, I just feel great! Getting struck by lightning was apparently no big deal, see? Not a scratch on me!" Shawn pointed out.

"People don't walk away from being shocked by 500 million volts of electricity. At least, not without being banged up somewhere. I'm worried that the heat and power might have fried something inside of you. Let's just get the scans over with." Shawn complied and followed the doctor out of the room, phone call forgotten.

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