Chapter Ten

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She giggled slightly. "How does that even work? You are so hyper that sedatives don't work, which shouldn't be medically possible!"

"Being psychic isn't possible either, now is it?" Shawn smirked at his own quick remark, and Jules just giggled some more. But their happiness slowly faded. "How are you, sweetheart?"

"I want to kill that SOB that put my boyfriend and best friend, partner, and I in danger," Juliet said bravely, eyes burning with rage and passion. Shawn squeezed her hand tightly. "I've been discharged. I'll stay here the night if you want."

Shawn chuckled and ripped the tubes out of his arms. "Nah. I've been discharged too." Juliet slapped him playfully at his idiocy and then proceeded to help him clothe to blend in. They made their way out of the hospital, hand in hand.


Lassiter sat at his apartment, mulling over his conversation with Shawn. Why can he only hear my thoughts? But his thoughts were interrupted by a car door closing in front of the nearby streetlight. He looked out to see his partner's car, Juliet and Shawn in front of it making their way to his building. He unlocked the door and waited for them to arrive. Moments later, Shawn walked through the door alone.

"Lassie? We need to talk."

"What? It is 12:45 in the morning. There better be a good reason for this!"

"I can only hear your thoughts," Shawn said in a demeanor different and more serious to his usual.

"I know. I figured it out."

"So... you really think that Sylar is going to get to me? Before anyone can stop him?"

"Well, Spencer -"

"Wait, he escaped?!" Shawn's eyes widened, but he stayed mostly calm. "Just last night, I saw him handcuffed in an FBI interrogation room!"

"One of his assosciates disguised as an agent and got him out."

"How? It's an FBI base!"

"I don't know," Lassiter said tiredly. "Go home, Shawn."

Shawn looked at the detective at the use of his first name, and then nodded and left.


Juliet saw Shawn walking towards the car and unlocked the door as he got closer. She stared at him lovingly until she saw that he was running to her, eyes wide. "Duck!! Jules! Now!!" he screamed. She immediately ducked, and bullets went flying through the car window over her head. She tried to get a view of what was happening, but couldn't see much. What she did see is Shawn holding a finger to his head with one hand, and with the other he was telekinetically holding something. The bullets stopped coming, so she stepped out of the car.

Shawn was panting, blood streaming out of his nose. Sylar was suspended in the air, but dropped when Shawn saw Juliet. "Jules, are you okay?"

"Are you?" she asked. Almost as if he was trying to answer her question, Shawn toppled to the ground, clutching his head. She whipped out her phone and called an ambulance. "Hi my name is Juliet O'Hara and I'm a detective with the SBPD and one of our consultants is injured along with an escaped convict and we need help for the consultant his name is Shawn Spencer and yes he was admitted a while ago because he got struck by lightning and I don't know what is happening and I need help quick," Juliet spurted, "our location is - you got our location? Okay that's great, please just hurry."

She sucked in a deep breath and shakily let the air out. She ran over to Shawn and comforted him. She heard a bang and Lassiter had slammed the door shut and was running across the building's front lawn to her. "What happened? I heard gunshots -" he saw Shawn, his body curled up with his head on Juliet's head, arms limp at his sides "- did Shawn get shot?!"

Juliet looked up at Lassiter, who was cuffing Sylar (again), and she shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. "Uh, Shawn told me t - to duck so I did and he ran out of the car and the shots stopped s - so I went outside and he was h - holding Sylar up with his mind an - and then they both collapsed. I, uh, I called for help. The ambulance is on its way."

Lassiter nodded as sirens started blaring in the distance. When the ambulance arrived, Juliet was ushered away from the scene and given a blanket while Lassiter helped them carry Shawn onto a gurney. While he may be a small child in the heart and mind, he is a grown and surprisingly muscled man and Lassiter forgot that. He was shocked when the two paramedics needed help lifting the limp body, and even with his help they struggled. Once the body was on the gurney, Lassiter walked Juliet to her car and drove her to the hospital in it, as she was in no condition to drive. Sylar had been taken with the officers to be interrogated. Again.


Shawn woke up slowly, his vision blurry and a banging in his head.

"Woah, relax kid. You've been out for a while. Two days, before you ask."

Shawn's eyebrows raised at his dad's comment. That was all the energy he could muster though, and he fell back into a deep sleep. No visions came.


Lassiter, Juliet, Karen, and Gus were all at the station in Karen's office. "So, Mr. Guster, how is Shawn?"

"Henry just told me that he woke up. So is there any info about Sylar that I can bring back to them?"

Lassiter spoke up, "Well I haven't interviewed him yet, but he is in the interrogation room with Dobson guarding. Chief, if it's okay with you, I'll excuse myself and talk to that nasty, festering pile o-"

"Detective!" Karen hissed.

"Yes ma'am." He scurried out of the room, and Karen went to go watch, leaving Gus and Juliet alone in her office.

"How are you, Gus? I think that we have all been neglecting your feelings, since we are all so worried about this Sylar deal."

"I'm okay. As good as a man can get with his best friend in the hospital with an untreatable thing."

Juliet smiled sadly. "Yeah," she sighed. "Can I come back with you to the hospital?"

"Sure, I was just about to leave."

They walked out of the station together, lightening the mood by talking about one of their favorite topics, funny stories about Shawn as a kid.

"You know, Henry once locked Shawn in the trunk of his car and made him kick out the taillight so he would know how to if he ever got shoved in a trunk," Gus said.

"Oh my god! That's awful to do to a child! Although, I guess it worked out because Shawn did manage to escape that ice cream to armored car theft fiasco because of that. So what else did he teach Shawn?"

Gus faltered. "Well..."

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