Chapter Seven

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"So, Shawn, I know you might not want to talk about it, but what does telekinesis feel like?" Jules asked, plopping onto the couch next to him.

"You were right, I don't want to talk about it," Shawn said, ignoring Juliet's concerned and upset face when he spoke. He looked anywhere but near her.

"Shawn, I know it can be hard for you to share your feelings sometimes but it helps. I know that firsthand."

"Drop it, Jules. Please." He finally turned to her with pleading eyes, and she let it go.

"Want a pineapple smoothie?" She asked.

"Yeah!" Shawn replied and immediately perked up, but when Jules smiled at him, she saw the thank you written all over his face.


Shawn and Jules got home laughing, but when they opened the door and turned on the lights, they quieted. It looked like a tornado had happened inside only their house. "Sylar," Shawn hissed. He looked around and saw a paper sticking out of a cookbook that had been thrown open onto the ground. Running over to it, he pulled it out and read it aloud.

"Dear Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara, you probably know who this is already. And that's good, because I don't feel like writing why this happened to you. Shawn, I know everything about you, so if you want to keep your family and friends safe, I suggest you meet me at this location: in front of Santa Barbara General Hospital at 3:00 pm tomorrow afternoon. If not, well, this is only the beginning.

"Know that if you fail to meet me, everyone you've ever known and loved, including every single innocent waitress you flirted with, will die. So imagine. Your girl is dead, your dad and best friend are dead, the entire police station is dead, and about half of the wait staff of the United States of America is dead. What then? I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Sincerely, Sylar." Shawn's hands were shaking and he had gotten extremely pale.

"Shawn," Juliet walked up behind him, bear hugging him, "I'm going to take the note down to the station and see if we can get a handwriting match. Okay?"

"I'm coming too."

"Shawn, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." He turned around and pecked her on the lips and then pulled her into a tight hug. Juliet squeezed back. Tightly. She then grabbed her keys and walked with Shawn out of the door.


Lassiter walked back up to Juliet and Shawn, who were both sitting at her desk. "Well, the handwriting had a match. To someone who is definitely not our guy."

"How do you know that for sure?" Juliet asked.

Shawn looked at Lassiter in the eyes. "Because the match is to Buzz."

Juliet gasped, and Lassiter nodded grimly. But Shawn continued, "Hasn't Buzz been out for a few days? Sick or something?"

"You're not saying he could have done this, are you?" Lassie grumbled.

"No, Nabby? He wouldn't hurt a fly... but if Sylar got to him first... DAMNIT!!!" He kicked the wall really hard, then flinched slightly at the pain in his toe.

"Shawn!" Juliet shouted!

Shawn had fallen to the ground and curled up in a ball, crying. But he froze.

"Spencer?" Lassiter questioned worriedly. No response. Juliet, who had moved to on the floor next to Shawn, rolled him over, only to see his eyes glazed over, not seeing the world. "Damnit. What's wrong with him? Chief!"

Karen rushed out of her room when Lassiter called. "What i- oh." She looked at Shawn's body, crumpled in the fetal position, officers slowly gathering to see what was wrong. "Everyone back up, give him some space!"

"Chief, what is it?" Juliet interrogated her boss, not leaving Shawn's side. "This is the second time this has happened."

"Well, Mr. Spencer's father came to me saying that his psychic visions have gotten more severe after getting struck by lightning. As you can see, he wasn't kidding." Lassiter rolled his eyes at the word 'psychic', but looked back at Shawn and realized the reality of the situation.


Shawn saw Sylar, disguised and entering the station. Sylar whipped out a pistol, shooting easily anyone and everyone who drew their guns, including Lassiter, in the head. In the vision, Juliet had been in the bathroom, somewhere Sylar was nice enough to not enter. Then Shawn saw himself, sneaking up behind Sylar and putting him in a headlock. Until Sylar shot him too.


"As you can see, he wasn't kidding," he heard the Chief say.


"Shawn!" The three officers shouted simultaneously. Lassiter continued alone, "What is it, Spencer?"

"You need to get out of here," Shawn said, completely serious.

"Or what? I don't want to ruin my perfect attendance."

"Detective, please. In fact, evacuate this entire building." Lassiter was taken aback when he heard Shawn call him 'Detective'.

Maybe I should listen to him. "Fine. But what do I do?"

Relief swept through Shawn's eyes, and he explained, "Take the officers out to a station lunch or something. Just get everyone out of here. You too, Jules. And the Chief."

"Shawn, why? What did you see?" Jules asked.

"I, uh, I saw Lassie and every other officer but Buzz, Dobson, and you get killed by Sylar," Shawn said, chuckling to hide the tears.

"Okay. I'll get everyone out. Carlton will help, and get the Chief." Shawn and Lassiter nodded, Shawn and Jules shared a quick kiss, and then Shawn was left all alone. But as Jules was leaving, she turned back to Shawn. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, you know me. Just one question? Can I, uh, have a pistol for extra protection?" Juliet was stunned momentarily, but then nodded and got a spare from the locked gun safe. "See you soon, sweetheart." Shawn smiled at Jules, and she was gone.


Sylar arrived to an eerily dark and quiet station. "So, Shawn, you managed to get everyone out. What was that, a psychic vision? Oh wait, sorry, no one is supposed to know that's what has been happening to you." He looked directly into the camera. "Sorry. Oh, and by the way, 3 pm tomorrow just seemed like too long of a time. So here I am."

Shawn sat in the security room, watching the feed and listening to Sylar. Then he got an idea. He walked over to the loudspeaker and pushed the talk button. "Don't be sorry. They don't even know you're here. Just you, me, and no guns?"

Sylar laughed. "We'll see."

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