Chapter Eighteen

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Juliet sat over Shawn's body when Lestrade rushed in. "Ah, you found him okay, I see," the nurse said. He seems to have bruised or possibly broken ribs. I called a doctor, but since it's not an emergency, they'll be a few. So you can just relax, would you like anything?' Juliet shook her head. "Oh, and I never got your name..."

"O'Hara. Juliet O'Hara," she stated, looking into the man's smoky blue eyes. She held out her slender hand to shake his. He reached out his tanned bulky hand to meet hers and smiled. Then, without another word, he left. She turned back to Shawn, thinking, He's so cute when he's asleep. He snored softly, not enough to be annoying but enough to sound like a cat's purr.

She took her hand and brushed it against his, and caressed his scruffy face with her other hand. She leaned forward, kissing him on his nose. He shifted underneath her, blinking his eyes open slowly. "Hey honey," he whispered.

"Hey," she replied, smiling and kissing his lips this time. "How do you feel?"

"Eh. I can feel that Lassie's gonna make it, but what about Khan?"

"They think he is too." Shawn sighed. "Hey, it's gonna be fine because he is going to rot in jail for the rest of his life, and Sylar just got transferred to the most secure prison by Vick herself."

"He got sent to Pelican Bay? Good." Shawn settled, knowing that there is no possible way that Sylar could ever escape there. He smiled at Juliet.

*****Flash Forward*****

Shawn sat down on the couch, wincing slightly and holding his side. Juliet crawled up beside him and snuggled her head on his shoulder. "Hey." He turned enough to kiss her on the top of her head.


"Don't get too comfy!" Shawn exclaimed, nudging her off. "Lassie, Gus, and the Chief are coming over soon!"

"And your dad," she reminded him.

"Don't remind me." Almost at if it is was planned, a bell rang through the house. He got up and looked out the window to see his dad's truck. "Ugh. Be right back."

He trudged up to the door and opened it. "Hey, dad, actually, we cancelled! Go ho-"

"Hi, Mr. Spencer! Come right on in!" Juliet popped in and invited him in. Both her and Henry gave Shawn an "oh well" look. "Oh, hang on!" She ran over to the fridge and grabbed some horderves, including pineapple slices, and cheese with prosciutto. Shawn had been pouting on the couch, but saw the pineapple and sprang up with a gleam of happiness and pain in his eye as he grabbed his side. The doorbell rang once again, and Shawn answered with a mouthful of pineapple.

"Hey Shawn!" Gus and Karen shouted. Hey rushed into the house.

Shawn and Lassiter stared at each other for a moment. "Spencer," Lassiter nodded curtly. Then he walked in. But in his head, he was much kinder. I'm glad you're okay, Shawn. Shawn just smirked and followed him in.


A week later, and Shawn started to notice that his abilities were fading. He got brief glimpses of pointless futures, could only move items less than 25 pounds, but his connection with Lassiter still was going strong. He nodded off, and his last wisp of a vision was from Missouri. "Once you have a mellon," she said, "you have them for life."


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