Chapter Six

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Shawn held the gun tightly, keeping it aimed at Sylar's head. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit speed dial 2, Jules. "Shawn? Is that you?"

"Yeah, hey sugar plum!"

"What happened before? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, and Sylar just got the best of me but he is currently unconscious and probably won't be waking up anytime soon."

"Okay, well Lassiter and I are already on our way, we'll be there in about three minutes. Just hang tight, okay? I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart!" He made a loud kissing noise into the speaker and then hung up. "Dad!"

Loud footsteps came crashing down the basement stairs as sirens started coming into earshot. "Shawn, are yo-"

He froze when he saw Shawn glaring at the man, finger rubbing the trigger thoughtfully. "Shawn, snap out of it!"

"Hm? Oh, hey dad! You okay?" Shawn said cheerfully, removing his finger from the trigger.

"Are you?"

"Yeah, slight headache, but nothing else." Henry shifted so he could see the back of Shawn's head, and when he could, he saw blood soaking a circle of brown hair behind and above his left ear.

"Kid, sit down." Shawn shook his head, making the world spin slightly through his eyes. "Shawn!"

"When Jules and Lassie get here."

"Fine." Henry sat down on the old twin bed and looked at his son, who was a little pale and sweaty. Sylar hadn't moved, still slumped against the wall. Shawn hadn't moved either, besides the slight motion of releasing his finger from the trigger. Suddenly, Shawn put down the gun and went to the door. Henry was confused, until he heard sirens that he must have been tuning out. Sylar twitched. "Oh no you don't!" Henry shouted, picking up the gun and preparing to crack the hilt against the man's skull once more.


Shawn led his two friends to the basement, hand in hand with Juliet. "NO!" His dad was laying on the floor, unconscious but otherwise unharmed. And Sylar was gone. "Dad? Hey, dad! Wake up!"

Juliet walked over to Shawn and sat next to him and his dad while Lassiter ran up and told the officers waiting to have a five block radius to be on the lookout for Sylar. "Hey, Shawn. It's not your fault. It's okay."

"It's not!" He cried. "Because I slipped up, another psychic might die!" Still having little control over his abilities, an old lamp flew across the room, barely missing Juliet's head. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he gulped, Juliet looking strangely at him.

"For what?" She was completely oblivious to the lamp that was now hovering over the ground.

I got it! I can control it! Shawn thought almost ecstaticly.

"Shawn?" Juliet questioned.

"Jules, turn around. Do you see that floating lamp?"

She turned around slowly,confused until she saw the sight with her own eyes. "Oh my god!" She covered her mouth with her hands.

The lamp landed quietly onto the ground. "The lightning, it uh-"

"Gave you telekinesis?" Jules said, smiling. Shawn nodded. "I'm not going to lie, that's pretty cool."

"Yeah, but it's useless since Sylar got away..."

"Hey, Shawn, it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up about it. The Chief is issuing mandatory police protection on all of the other psychics in Santa Barbara," Juliet informed him.

Shawn chuckled sadly. "Police protection? Yeah, 'cause that's worked out so well in the past." He looked at Jules, remembering that she's an officer. "Sorry, it's just - I'm mad about losing Sylar."

"It's okay."


Lassiter sat at the station, seething. He knew he had to give Shawn a break, but he had to go and screw everything up! I am going to have some words with that man child when he gets back here. He turned to the sound of loud stamping feet, belonging to none other than the young Spencer. But as Lassiter looked at Shawn, who was frolicking with his head held high, the psychic stopped and stared straight at Lassie. "Look, Lassie, I'm sorry I let Sylar get away, okay?!" Shawn said, looking genuinely sad.

Oh crap, did I say that out loud? He saw Shawn's eyes widen, and then the weirdo ran into the Chief's office. Well, at least he's off my tail now. Shawn peeked his head out of the door way and looked back at Lassiter. "That wasn't very nice, Lassifrass!" And he was gone.


"Shawn, what is it?" The Chief said, looking overwhelmed.

"Uhm, well, there are some things I need to tell you," Shawn said quietly.

"Explain," she replied, motioning for him to take a seat.

He sat and continued, "Look, the way I go about things isn't necessarily the way I tell you I do things." The Chief gave him a confused look. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm not psychic. Well, at least that's what I thought." Shawn looked like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders and the Chief smiled.

"Shawn, I've known that you aren't a psychic since the moment you said you were. But to actually come out and say that you're not takes some strength of mind." She paused. "Wait, did you just say that you only thought you weren't psychic?"

"Uhm, yeah. Ever since the lightning, I'm not too sure. Well, I am sure. That I am psychic. And telekinesthethic? Telekinetic? Able to move things with my mind. And one more thing that just surfaced as I went to talk to Lassie. Mind-reading."

The Chief's eyes widened, especially at the last one. "Wow, Shawn, that's a lot to take in. Who else knows?"

"Jules and Gus but only about the telekinesis. My dad knows that and the psychicness. And then you."

"Okay, well, for now, this goes no further."

"Understood Chief," Shawn said with a mock salute. The with one last look at the Chief, he strutted out of the room and she was left smiling at nothing but a glass door.

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