"b as in bitch"

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@troyesivan: sup lo$er

@connorfranta: r00d

@troyesivan: [photo attached] (at the top)

@connorfranta: omg leAve

@connorfranta: drag your nasty sinful ass out the back door

@connorfranta: kidding come back

@troyesivan: im still here b

@troyesivan: b as in bitch

@troyesivan: you just got slAyed motherFUCKER

@connorfranta: b as in you better get the fuck out of here before i slice your throat

@connorfranta: :)

@troyesivan: jfc and i thought i was psycho

@connorfranta: you thought wrong troye boy

@troyesivan: im starting to crawl back to my idea of you being a forty year old pedophile my friend.

@connorfranta: so now im just your friend huh?

@troyesivan: special friend.

@connofranta: special how?

@troyesivan: gtg dinner

@connorfranta: i hate you troye

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