Sixteen (Josh)

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The sound of the doorbell reverberated through Devina’s apartment. We both froze where we stood in the living room and stared wide-eyed at each other.

The bell rang again.

Devina grabbed her pistol off the coffee table. She looked every bit the spy she was as she moved quietly to her front door, off-handedly telling me to stay put.

I peeked around the door frame of the living room and into the hallway anyway. I watched as Devina looked through the peephole, then exhale in relief as she lowered her gun.

She opened the door to reveal Thomas. She put her pistol on the small table in the foyer so she could hug him. They spoke to each other softly in German.

I noticed someone else on the doorstep who stepped inside and shut the door. The action drew Devina’s attention. She stood stock still for a moment, then launched herself at this mystery man. He was unable to properly catch her so they fell into a heap on the floor. Devina burst into tears.

With her head buried into the man’s neck, I got a proper look at him. I recognized the face; it was Devina’s brother Torin.

All at once my eyes filled with tears and my chest flooded with jealousy. I missed my family so much and wished I could hug my own baby brother at that moment.

I turned and went up the stairs to the bedroom, ignoring curious glances from Thomas and Torin. I grabbed my phone and tried to call my brother. When he didn’t pick up, I realized it was just now 6am on the east coast.

Mournfully, I laid down on the bed. And I cried. I cried like a teenaged girl whose boyfriend just dumped with her. I cried so much my head started to hurt and I eventually passed out.

“Josh,” I heard a voice say.


I opened my eyes to see Devina’s beautiful face hovering over me. I reached my arms out to her like a child who needed their mother. She laid down next to me and hugged me as I hugged her.

She asked the question we asked more than any other the past couple days.

“Are you okay?”

I teared up again.

“I miss my family so much,” I said through my tears.

“I know you do, sweetheart. I know. We’re trying our hardest,” she answered me as she stroked my hair.

I sniffled a bit as I tried to keep my tears at bay. I didn’t want to cry anymore and I wanted to enjoy our company.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” Devina said softly.

“Dinner?” I asked, mildly confused.

“Yeah, it’s almost six o’clock.”

“Oh my god. I can’t believe I slept that long."

“Yeah, how dare you.”

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Go wash your face and come down to the kitchen, okay?”

I nodded.

Devina briefly kissed me before getting up and leaving the room. I listened to her descend the stairs before I got up and went to the bathroom. My face was splotchy and my eyes were swollen a bit. I turned the nozzle on the sink and let the water fill my cupped palms before splashing it onto my face. Three more times I repeated this action before turning the water off. I moved to pat my face dry with a towel without looking to see if my appearance had improved. Who would care?

As soon as I opened the bedroom door, the smells from the kitchen assaulted my nose. It smelled wonderful. I bounded down the stairs and used the post to turn 180 degrees to walk into the kitchen.

Torin stood and shook my hand, which caught me off guard. He was significantly taller than I was and pretty muscled.

“Nice to meet you in person, Josh,” he said in his accented voice.

“Yeah, you too,” I replied as I accepted his gesture.

Devina said something in German and Torin turned to help her set everything on the table. Feeling suddenly awkward, I took a seat at the table.

“How are you, Josh?” Thomas asked me.

“I’m doing okay,” I replied honestly. “Still feeling sluggish.”

“I’m sure you will for a while yet.”

Torin and Devina finished putting everything on the table and sat down with us. Devina had made a pork dish with a load of vegetables that tasted as good as it looked. She, Torin, and Thomas all talked animatedly in German while I ate in silence.

Devina looked at me and her face fell as she realized they were unintentionally leaving me out of the conversation.

“I’m so sorry. We’re being so rude. Are you enjoying the meal, Joshua?” she said.

Torin and Thomas turned to me and I suddenly felt very small, like I was being examined under a microscope.

“It’s very good, Dev. You aren’t being rude at all. No need to speak English for my benefit,” I answered.

“Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart. We’re all gathered here for you.”

And now I felt even more guilty.

Sensing the tension, Torin spoke up.

“Devina tells me you’re a huge Chelsea fan.”

“I am. I’ve been a fan since I was little,” I replied, grateful for the subject change.

“Looks we are shaping up for a good season again this year.”

“Yeah, I haven’t been able to keep up with it as much lately but it does seem optimistic.”

“There are so many Man U fans at school and they give me such a hard time.”

“It must be amazing to live in a place where soccer is really big.”

“Well, the three of us are used to it because we’ve lived in Europe. But yeah, it’s great. Dev tells me it’s murder in the U.S.”

Devina turned her attention to us; she had been talking quietly with Thomas.

“What’s that, TD?” she asked.

“I was just comparing the hype for soccer in the U.S. vs Europe,” Torin responded.

Devina pulled a face.

“Oh god, yes. It’s truly terrible.”

I giggled at her and she smiled at me.

I felt a lot better and knew I was going to be happy in Germany.

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