Twenty-Two (Josh)

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Devina’s apartment was strangely haunting without her.

I had flown back to Germany to attend the ceremony for Devina at the BND and to bury her. Torin gave a truly moving eulogy and I made no effort to hold back my tears.

She was buried next to her parents in Cologne in the most beautiful cemetery I had ever seen.

Now we were back in her apartment in Berlin.

I was surprised when Torin started blaring music throughout the space. The song was “Starlight” by Muse.

“What are you doing?” I shouted.

“It’s Devina’s favorite song!” he shouted back.

My lips twitched upward in the closest I had come to a smile in days.

I went upstairs to her bedroom and sat on the bed. It was then I recalled I hadn’t read the message she wrote me in Life of Pi. I retrieved it from my bag and opened it. Unsurprisingly, there was a message to Devina from someone else. It was in German, but Torin translated it for me.


I was lucky to have you the first time. When you sat in my classroom the second time it was an arrangement of the universe. Your mind is so brilliant and so beautiful. Your story is heartwarming. I know as sure as I am breathing that you are destined for greatness. Take this book as a reminder that strength is essential. Good luck in all your future endeavors and thank you for restoring my faith in my profession.


Professor Mueller

I turned the page and read the message addressed to me.


I have seen your heart. I have seen your mind. I have seen your soul.

I have committed every detail to memory because I know I will never again come across beauty such as yours.

I know this is hard, but I also know how strong you are. You left your family in the middle of the night to seek protection from a stranger. I’m now confident you can overcome any obstacle.

I am a better person for knowing you. You have shown me my heart in a way no one else has. I will forever remember our time together.

When you miss me, look in the mirror. You will find me there.



I got up and went to the bathroom. I flipped the light on and looked in the mirror.

Devina was everywhere.

My hair, my nose, the corner of my mouth as my lips quirked up in a crooked smile. Her strength was reflected in the strength of my jaw and the square of my shoulders. Her beauty was reflected in my eyes. Her grace lived in my heart.

But most of all she lived in ink embedded in my skin. On the left side of my chest, above my heart, she lived in the words “Domus Custos Meus.”

Home of my guardian.

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