Twelve and one half (Devina)

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Trying to sort out my emotions had become pretty much impossible since Josh forced himself into my life. So I did what I always do when I need to think: run.

Running is a funny thing. You run away from your problems and then you run right back. But hopefully you run back with a solution.

I didn’t know what to do about Josh’s declaration of love, except think it was misplaced. Love me? It was ridiculous. Quit my job? Even more ridiculous.

How could he even suggest it? Give up on the job of my dreams? And do what? Be his trophy wife? Let him travel and do what he loves while I sit around and do nothing?

The thought inspired some bile to rise in my throat. I spit it out and kept running.

I couldn’t entertain thoughts of abandoning the vital role I played for my country. I had a strong support system at the BND. I had Thomas, my best friend. And I couldn’t disappoint Torin. I took this job for him.

My solution was made for me as I turned to run back. My phone rang. I raised my arm to look down at the screen and saw it was Josh. I still didn’t want to talk to him so I let it go.

I was only somewhat surprised when the voicemail chime sounded. With a groan I stopped running and played the voicemail.

But my blood ran cold and my heart stopped when I heard nothing but Josh screaming, “ROMULUS!”

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