Tell me the story

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Sorry for no updates this weekend I have been celebrating my exams results and packing for my mini break to perusal on Friday! 😆
(Author POV)

The sky began to cloud over just as Steve had finished showing Natasha around the little boat house. They sat by the low burning fire on the soft woollen rug.

'This place is beautiful Rogers'

'Thanks nat' they smiled softly at one another.

'I can't believe no one owns it. How did you find it?' Natasha asks with interest.

'Just when I was walking one day' Steve says as if to end the conversation.

'Oh... Steve?'

'What?' He says and looks into her pleading eyes.

'Tell me the story'

'No Nat. I don't think I can' he says with pain reflecting off his whole body.

'I know you can. Please Steve.' She looks pleadingly 'do you trust me?'

'You know I do' he says without hesitation.

'Then please Steve. Tell me the story'

'Okay' he takes a steadying breath as if trying to gather some form of courage and begins to explain.

'The day after you died I kind of went off the rails and started to ignore everyone, but Peter kept trying to get through to me and he said one way he coped was finding a place where he could think about you or try to sort things out whilst feeling close to you. He says that without knowing it, you will automatically relax because you feel the other persons presence. Well, I kept going about doing usual things but everything ended up being to the extreme. I slept, ate, trained and went on missions. I stopped doing everything normal because it reminded me of you but then I realised that the pain from the reminders is what was keeping you alive for me. I just needed to find a new way to channel it.' He took a calming breath and continued.

'When I say I slept I meant I tried to sleep but my nights were plagued with nightmares so I started spending my nights running along the beach and when the sun would start to rise I would head back to the mansion before anyone noticed I was gone. One night I didn't even bother going to sleep because I had a really bad day and new that sleep would be futile so I went running straight away. I new I had made it further than usual because I saw a little bit of woods but I kept going and I stumbled upon this place. I had no idea where I was or what time it was and my head was pounding, replaying old memories in my head so I punched through a window and let myself in. Can you see this stain?'

He pointed to the corner of the rug at a deep red stain. Natasha nodded stiffly.

'That's my blood. I collapsed on the rug and cried myself to sleep there and then. Now, well you know the rest'

He looked pained and exhausted. Natasha reached for him tentatively 'Steve I'm sorry. I didn't realise. I promise I will never leave you again'

'I know nat. I love you my little spider'

'I love you too soldier, forever and always' then they snuggled up on the couch and fell into the most peaceful sleep either had had in months.

Hope you enjoy I will update again soon just trying to get back to routine because I start sixth form soon so it's been a lot of change recently.


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