The reaction

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Hey guys!! I'm so sorry its been so long but I received a very lovely message recently that inspired me to keep trying to write this story because, although I have been through a really hard time, I realised that this book was my escape from that and I can filter my emotions into the chapters. I am going to try and finish this story but it's been so long I've kind of lost my groove. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Bare with me though, hope you enjoy!! :) 


(Natasha POV)

Everybody's arms are locked tight around me. I finally feel at home but at the same time there is this crushing weight on my chest like something isn't right. My hands start to tremble, and I feel my heart racing until I here Steve's voice.

'Alright guys let my wife breath would ya' I look over my shoulder and see his hand gripping my shaking fingers and I feel the quell of panic ebbing away.

Peter remains attached to my other arm and has a kid who got the candy glee to his face. He's squeezing my hand so tight I can feel an edge of pain in my still sore joints

'Any harder Pete and you'll crush my hand', he instantly releases me with a 'sorry, sorry' but I can still see the excitement in his features.

I step back into Steve's body for more support and finally take a second to scan the faces around the room. Clint, Peter, Bruce, Sam, Maria, Bobbi and two young children who I have never seen before stare at me with wide and disbelieving eyes.

They all start talking at once and I hear words like relief, how and when and my vision all of a sudden starts to swim. I take a shaky breath when Steve's hands thread tightly around my waist holding me up but more importantly holding me to him, so I can't escape. I sneak a glace up but he's directly staring at me already with a knowing look in his eyes telling me it will be okay and just to stay.

I'm about to open my mouth to speak when I hear a loud and slurred voice speak up from behind us.

'Well look who decided to come back, nice of you to join us red' I look back and Tony is stood on the edge of the shadows by the stares with a tumbler of scotch or something in his hand and his nine o'clock shadow making him look old beyond his years.

'Tony, where's Pepper?' I chance a glance around in case I missed her the first time but sadly not.

'she left two days ago. Apparently, my immaturity has become to insufferable and she can't be bothered to deal with two children'

Two children? Why two children, unless... wait, she's not, no way. Or is she? 'pepper's pregnant? How long?'

He grimaces '3 months, apparently she had no idea with the stress of- well you should already know. I'm sure you've been keeping tabs on us when you were hiding away letting us all mourn over you.' I open my mouth ready to speak but my words catch in my throat. By the time I go to speak, someone else has already jumped to my defence.

'F**k off Tony she died and had to go through all that and come back to face all of us. You're just being a d*ck because Pepper left after you became even more of a child without Tasha to keep you in line' I glance over, and Sam is stood there with a furious look on his face and when I look back to tony his face is ashen, and his lip is trembling.

I just want to run and hide and pretend I really did die.

'f*ck you Sam, what are you even doing here? You weren't here in the start, you know nothing. I went through a giant worm hole in the sky to save this world and I nearly lost pepper to a psycho ex amongst many other shitty things so get your f**king arse back in line and sit the f**K- '

'ENOUGH' Peter is raging, and I visibly shrink from the explosion of his voice, 'sorry Tasha I forgot that might hurt yours ears, still not finished recovering blah, blah, blah' he reaches over and squeezes my hand 'everybody enough, if you aren't going to be welcoming and give Tasha a break then you can get the hell out of here because she doesn't need this right now'

I smile gratefully and squeeze his hand back before Steve leads me over to the couch. I let him sit first before crawling into his lap and trying to compose my features.

I finally address the rest of the group properly for the first time since entering the house, 'you guys must be wondering what has actually happened the past few months and how the hell I'm back and I do believe you deserve to know, so before I begin is there anything anyone wants to say?'

A boy with white-grey hair and a girl with long brown hair stand and awkwardly shuffle towards the door before Maria speaks up 'these are the Maximoff twins Peter found them the day of your death in a hydra lab being experimented on' they smile shyly, and peter's face turns bright red.

'Oh did he really, you forgot to mention that over the past two months or have you all of a sudden got a doppelganger?' he opens and clothes his mouth a few times before uttering out 'I didn't need to overwhelm you, you went through enough' and all of a sudden I sober up 'you two can stay, it would be easier if everyone knew the whole story for future sake'.

I grip Steve's shirt in my left hand and take a deep breath. Well, here goes nothing...


So theres a little filler to get me back into it and the next chapter will reveal all to everyone. I might do a flash forward in a few chapters to really get back into it now I have a few of my own ideas, but yours would still be greatly appreciated! 

Laters xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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