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(Nat POV)

I'm roused awake by gentle kisses on my shoulder and I realise Steve is whispering into my skin that were home. I look out the window of the limo and see the mansion appearing behind the trees surrounding the iron gate as we pull up to the entrance. I sigh contently resting against Steve's chest and nuzzle deeper 'five more minutes, I'm not ready yet'

He chuckles a sweet, low sound, deep in his chest, that I feel against my ear 'you always have loved you sleep. I guess some things never change'.

I look up to his face under my lashes and say, 'wouldn't want to disappoint you now – gotta keep making you fall in love with me somehow' I smirk and he throws his head back in a full belly laugh – 'I could never stop loving you Nat, trust me, plus if I did you would put me threw a world full of pain.'

I smile brightly and loom past his beautiful features to the shadow coming through the window 'were home' and he embraces me 'right where we belong my little spider.'


I look up at the doors and take a shaky breath – I don't know why I'm so nervous – I mean this is my home after all. Plus, I have been in the basement of this place since I died. Actually, that probably answers that question. Nobody apart from Bruce and Peter know I'm alive – not even tony who unknowingly began helping peter look for hydra bases to find the cure. So maybe I have a lot of reasons to be nervous but I'm the infamous black widow, I don't do scared, or at least. I didn't.

Steve grips my hand, pulling me out of my cluttered thoughts and squeezes gently, 'we don't have to if you're not ready' I smile up at him with my mask firmly I'm place 'I'm always ready, are you?'

He ponders this for a moment, probably looking for a witty reply but then all of a sudden saddens and bends to kiss my forehead 'it's okay Nat, I know your scared, you don't need your mask with me remember.'

My shoulders instantly slump and I smile slightly with tears in the corner of my eyes – 'I love you Roger's now stop wounding my heart with these cheesy remarks and let's go say hi to the gang.' He smiles inwardly and I breathe in a deep breath of relief and release the tension from my body. I can do this.


I step into the house and JARVIS welcomes me 'greetings Mrs Rogers, glad you are back safe and well. You have been dearly missed' I'm shocked by the AI's comments and reply with 'I've missed you too JARVIS. Where are the others?'

'main living room ma'am, everyone is arguing over this afternoons movie choice'. 'thanks Jarvis', I grip Steve's hand and start walking in the direction of the living room.

We round the corner and I see the backs of all their heads. I take a deep breath and step into the living room. Steve clears his throat and I look up at him. My eyes close involuntary and I hear a smash and shouting and feel multiple sets of arms around me. 


why was i ever worried?


another update for you guys - i hope you like it!

when i finished exams i will try and start making the chapters longer:) 

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