Chapter 34: Luna Lovegood

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Ginny nodded. "Who are we seeing next?"

Hermione dug her list out of her bag. "Let's see-" her face broke into a grin. "Luna!"

"Really? I can't wait!" Ginny said laughing.

They ordered some food and after they finished paying asked Emily to join them in their fight against the Death Eaters in which she happily replied, "Of course I'd love to help!"  And with that they left to go back home with the feeling of a good days work

Luna Lovegood was quite the peculiar girl, this is quite obvious even from her appearance. This however didn't stop people from becoming amazed by her. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are no exception. As the group of friends climbed the stairs up to her house they were taken aback by how quickly they had rebuilt their quirky little house after the war.

"It's almost exactly like it was before." Ginny said breathlessly smiling, glad for her friend.

"I wonder if she repainted the mural on her ceiling." Harry added taking in the unusual plants growing in the side yard.

"I hope so." Hermione wishfully before knocking on the door. After hearing some crashes and banging around behind the door, it suddenly swung open and Luna shot out of it and straight into the group of friends hugging them each.

"I'm ever so glad you're all here! I haven't seen you in ages!" Luna bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, clasping her hands in front of her. Luna was dressed in a white dress that came to end just above her knee with scalloping on the hem. Her hair was down, framing her face falling just below her waist.

"Well we've been busy." Hermione paused and then added "It's actually the reason why we're here. Do you mind if we talk about it inside?"

Luna's complexion changed into something resembling dark curiosity. "Of course." She open the door, led the way into her living room and took a seat in the armchair by a window. Ron and Hermione took a seat on the love seat while Harry and Ginny sat on the other side of Luna on the couch.

"I know this probably isn't what you want to hear Luna," Ron started out. "but the death eaters are planning on coming together to finish what Voldemort started. The good news is that they don't have a leader yet and they're following isn't as strong as it once was."

Harry picks up where Ron left of "So we think we can put it down before it starts another war if we get all of Dumbledore's Army together to fight."

Luna's face scrunches up into worry. "Oh dear this all sounds terrible. And all this so soon after the war ended."

Ginny nodded "We'd love for you to come and help us Luna."

"You don't even need to ask I'm more than up for the challenge." The two exchanged smiles.

"Luna?" Hermione spoke up. "I was wondering if you repainted that mural you had on your ceiling of your bedroom?"

"Oh yes! I spent most of my time immediately after the war on repainting it." Luna said excitedly.

"Can we see it?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"Of course!" so Luna led all four of them to the back of the house and into her room. The room itself you could tell was quite lived in, not because it was messy but because of all the little bits and bobs scattered around the room. Cards over there, a piece of ribbon over there, a toy figurine stuck on top of a pile of books. The most beautiful thing about the room though, was the mural on the ceiling. There it was almost exactly like the first time they all saw it, but with one change. In the middle it had a quote "Together we stand, divided we fall."

Ron leaned over to Hermione and whispered in her ear "I love that quote."

"It's said to have come from a story in Aesop's Fables."

Ron screwed up his face "What's that?"

"It's a bunch of muggle stories that are usually told to children."

"Maybe you could read a few to me and our children." He looked at her hopefully.

"I'd love that more than anything in the world." She looked up at him smiling brightly while he bent down to capture her lips in a cheerful and optimistic kiss.

"We're meeting up with everyone on October 3rd at the Weasley's." Harry told Luna. "So I guess we'll see you then?"

Luna nodded "Yes, I wish you the best of luck recruiting the rest of Dumbledore's Army."

"Let's get going guys we still have a couple more people to talk to." Harry took Ginny's hand and led the way out of the Lovegood home where Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny waved goodbye and then apparated to their home of 12, Grimmauld place.



Hey guys I know it's been over a year since I've added a new chapter but I'm determined to finish this story! I know this part is kind of short but I'm working on the next chapter as we speak. I think i'm about 5 chapters away from the end 6 including the epilogue! I hope people are still reading this story again I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever life happened and got in the way. Please comment and vote that would be amazing! As you all know the way to a Wattpad writers heart (and frequent updates) is comments!



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