Chapter 8: Problem and Solution

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That day seemed to never to end, with all of the Weasley's family and Hermione's parents and their friends coming to congratulate them that it was near 10 when they all left.  Hermione plopped down exhaustingly on the bed next to Ron with a breath of relief.

"I'm exhausted!" she exclaimed, " I thought they would never leave!"

"Yeah I know me too! I wish my mum would of waited a few days before she called every living Weasley relative to the house."

"It was a bit to much to handle considering I only had 5 hours of sleep last night." Hermione sighed then continued "you know Ginny got me thinking, are we going to have the wedding before we go back to Hogwarts?" Hermione looked down and smoothed out her pajamas nervously waiting for Ron's answer.

"Yeah I've thought about that to, I'd like to get married sooner then later but we only have what? A month or two... Could we put it all together by then?"  

"I think so! I mean it shouldn't be that hard to do Harry and Ginny did it in three why can't we do it in two?" She knew that planning a wedding in 2 months' time would be tricky but not impossible. She wouldn't be able to do the regular things she usually did for the start of the school year like read over all the books for this years classes at least 3 times or practice potions twice a day. As she thought about all the things she wouldn't be able to do she became more and more frightened

"What if I'm not ready for the school year? What if I fail? What if... they take away head girl?" she thought but the one thing holding her back from setting the date later was that she absolutely, positively loved Ron and couldn't bare to wait that long. Retiring from her long train of thought she climbed under the blankets and pressed her face against Ron.

"I love you." she whispered

"I love you too." Ron whispered back, then she closed her eyes and darkness over took her as she fell asleep.

The next day came and as soon as Hermione woke she went dressed then went down stairs and took out her planner. As she waved her wand to charm the knife to butter her toast she scribbled in her to do's and scheduled out every day until the wedding.

"Hey Hermione! Are you still going with me and my mum to pick out flowers?" Ginny asked sweetly

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that I guess if I move a few things around I can go. Maybe get an idea of what kind of flowers we want at our wedding" Hermione smiled she loved being ahead of schedule

"Okay we're leaving around 8:30ish so be ready to apperate to diagon alley so we can walk to London we're going to a muggle place." Ginny waved her wand to open the fridge to get out milk and a glass.

"Alright sounds good."

"Oh Hermione I almost forgot! Will you be my maid of honor please?" 

"Yes of course!" she said without hesitation.

"Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she yelled as she bounced up and down

"Now I have to ask you something." Hermione said as Ginny looked at her with joy

"Will you be my maid of honor?"

"UMMM YES DUH!" Ginny screamed

"Thank you!" Hermione said as she hugged Ginny tightly. And the girls set to making breakfast for their fiancés.

"I'm starving!" Ron bellowed

"That's a surprise." she said sarcastically he rolled his eyes then dug into his food

********1 week later********

The girls were swamped with details from both weddings. Hermione looking for a dress and Ginny finding decorations and going through the guest list they barely had time to eat.

"What do you think of this one Hermione?" Ginny said holding up a pink lantern

"Ginny your Colors are white and red."

"Oh yeah this is getting so tiring. Do you think we should just head home?" she said exhausted

"Yeah guess so lets go" they joined hands and apperated to the burrow with a soft thud.

"Home Sweet Home!" Ginny smiled

"Yes it does feel good to be home doesn't it?"

"Yeah." she said exhaling 

"I'm going upstairs goodnight."

"Yeah me too goodnight." Hermione followed Ginny upstairs and went into Ron's room.

"Hey Ron."

"Hey 'Mione how'd it go?"

"No luck" she sighed as she sat on his lap on the bed

"I just hope tomorrow goes better I've barely gotten anything done!" She said worried

"Hermione just relax you have a month and a half calm down." Ron said as he rubbed Hermione's shoulders.

"But there's so much to do, so much to plan! You know I like to get everything done ahead of time." Hermione exclaimed

"Yes but even if you get everything done and planned everything's not going to go as planned." He said as he looked at their hands intertwined in each other's.

"I know that Ronald! But still I want to plan as much as I can."

"Okay, okay relax Hermione." he said as he stroked her back that sent shivers up her spine. Hermione leaned her head on Ron's chest.

"I just hope I can get everything done." she said with a sigh

"I know." he said soothingly then leaned his head down and kissed her head then took out his deluminator and turned the lights out. Hermione feel asleep in his arms peacefully.


Soo...? like it hate it? So you know the usual comment vote fan blah blah and a huge thank you too the people that have fanned me you guys are like awesome. and i'd like to give a shout out to Dysstopia she is a really really really good writer so check out her 19 years later series/book trust me it's awesome. :) oh if you noticed it in the beginning it says mr/mrs Granger are there when they announce the engagement in the 3 months between the battle and now Hermione went with ron to find her parents I just didn't write about because I wanted to cut right to the chase and one last thing PLEASE COMMENT!!! i don't have any comments and i want to know what you think. i'd love to hear your criticism =)


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