Chapter 6: Pinch me I must be dreaming

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"Hermione i love you." ron said sweetly

" I love you too, Ron" and suddenly when she said those words the ground seemed to rip apart from beneath them. Putting a deep and wide trench between them. As much as they tried no matter what spell they cast, the trench would not close it would simply get deeper and wider. Hermione yelled and screamed to ron but he could not here her and after a while he got tired of strainning to hear so he turned and walked the other way. Leaving Hermione with her heart shattered laying on the ground weaping.

Hermione woke up with a gasp and dripping in sweat. "that was the worst dream i have ever had." she thought.

"scratch that it was the worst nightmare i've ever had." Hermione looked at the clock "oy! 2:30 not quite time to get up yet" so Hermione layed there listening to the silence since Ginny was sleeping in a room with harry now. 

Hermione layed there for 2 hours and each time she drifted off she would have the same nightmare and wake up again so she decided to go and get a drink of water. she carefully made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. She turned the faucet on and filled her glass.

"what are you doing up?" a voice from behind her whispered. she withdrew her wand and turned around ready to blast whoever it was.

"Ron!" she hissed in relief "I couldn't sleep so I went to get a drink of water. why are you up?"

"I was hungry," he admitted

"Oh." Ron reached into the fridge and pulled out an apple 

"So why couldn't you sleep?" Ron said as he munched on the apple

"I kept having the same nightmare over and over again. it was horrible" they were now sitting in the living room.

"What was the nightmare about?" he said finishing his apple and pulling Hermione into his lap

"Well you and me were well I don't know where we were but you said." Hermione paused but then continued "I love you and I said I love you too and then the ground pulled apart and no matter how hard we tried it wouldn't get close. I was screaming for you yelling your name but you couldn't hear me and then and then." Hermione started to cry "you walked away and left me crying." then she sobbed even harder

"Hermione you know that I would never do that! you know that right I would never leave you!" She sniffed. "Do you actually know how much I love you? Well, I can tell you its alot." Ron rocked her in his arms. 



"I love you to." she smiled

" umm on?"


"i was wondering er... if i could sleep in your room. my rooms very lonely without Ginny" she said embaresdly

"Of course." so Hermione got her pillow and went into Ron's room

*****the next morning*****

Hermione woke up with a red head boy happily sleeping on the ground next to her and wondered where am I? Why am I in Ron's room? Then suddenly the events of last night flooded back to her and she smiled. "I wonder if this could be a permanent thing." she thought happily.

"Yeah Hermione Mrs.Weasley is going to let you two share a room, use your head."  She turned to look at the clock that read 8:47.

"Ron get up its nearley nine!" Hermione insisted

"Hmph? Hermione what?" he confusingly said

"It's nine time to get up."

"com'on 'mione 10 more minutes!" he said while pulling the blankets over his head 

"No Ron now." but Ron just stayed there hugging hid pillow

"your impossible" she whispered and went to pull the blankets off him but instead pulled herself off the bed and landed on Ron's surprisingly hard stomach. and laughed hysterically at her failure

"umpf! oy Hermione what are you trying to do break my ribs? what's so funny." 

"nothing just, should of thought that out better." she giggled "I guess you're up now then?" Ron looked at her then said

"yeah I would think so!" he said with a smile "let's go-to breakfast I'm starving!" so he grabbed Hermione's hand and walked down the steps. When they entered the kitchen Mrs. Weasley was bustling around the kitchen getting breakfast ready.

"Hey, Ginny sleep well?"

"yes. You?" she grinned

"No, not at first."

"why not?"

"Um.." she glanced around and noticed the kitchen was getting more crowded with people 

"I'll tell you later." Ginny nodded 

"we're going to pick out the flowers and centerpieces today, your coming right?" Ginny said nervously

"Yes of course!" Hermione said hastily. After breakfast Hermione and Ron went outside for a walk, when they stepped outside of the burrow all the mayhem melted away and was replaced with peace. It was the most beautiful day yet since she started living at the burrow. Ron led her into the garden.

"It seems like only yesterday we headed off to the Hogwarts express. it's amazing how time flies. it's been 8 years since I met you and harry... it's been 8 years since I fell for you." Ron said grinning then bent down on one knee and continued "Hermione Jean Granger I Loved you ever since I met you I want you to be mine forever Will You Please Marry me?" 

Hermione's heart beat rapidly and her mind was ecstatic. The moment she'd been waiting for all these years. But did she want to be with him? Was she ready to be with Ron forever? 


CLIFFHANGER! not a very big one but it's a cliffhanger! Again please comment, vote, or fan i still feel like i'm talking to myself. Thank you to everyone who's reading this and to Summer-Fruit who is my first fan!


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