Chapter 24: Hannah Abbott

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So Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron set off to find hannah starting with looking at her parents house.

"Ginny you're sure Hannah's parents live here?" Hermione said looking at the small little home at ottery st. catchpole. 

"yes positive she invited me here once but i couldn't go mum wouldn't let me." She said pouting. 

"Alright." Hermione hesitated but then knocked. There were footsteps from inside the house but then the lock unlatching.

"who is it?" A Hannah's mother said looking out through the little crack of the opened door.

"Mrs.Abbott? It's Harry Potter we're looking for hannah?" Hannah's mother opened the door and quickly rushed them inside.

"Mrs.Abbott is everything alright?" Hermione asked

"of course not! we're on the verge of yet another war!" she said slightly shaking

"it's okay mrs.Abbott we're trying to stop it before it gets to far but for that to happen we need to round up Dumbledore's Army, Could you please tell us were we could find Hannah?" Harry said

"Yes." She sighed "She's in hogsmeade in apartment 7 in the three broomsticks. She's staying there so she can see her boyfriend on weekends." Mrs.Abbott didn't seem to happy about this last part.

"Okay thank you Mrs.Abbott this will help us a lot." Ron said politely

"you welcome dears." She sweetly lead them out then shut the door. 

"well off to hogsmeade then?"

"yeah but first Harry put on this." Hermione pulled out the invisibility cloak out of her bag.

"yeah good thinking." Harry put it on and they were off. They landed in front of zonkos and walked to three broom sticks.

"should we just go in?" Hermione asked

"yeah." Ginny went first with harry in-between her and hermione. They all went in to the three broom sticks and up the stairs to apartment 7. Harry took off the invisibility cloak and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Hannah called from inside

"Hannah it's Harry,Hermione,Ginny, and Ron." The door opened quickly and Hannah came out and hugged them all.

"nice to see you to hannah."

"i was so worried about all of you please come inside." They all filed in and took a seat on the 2 couches she had.

"would any of you care for tea?"

"no we're good but thank you." Hermione said as hannah then sat down.

"well what brings you four here?"

"well you see the death eaters are trying to rally up and take over. Their trying to  finish what Voldemort started. but the thing is they can't succeed without a leader and right now they don't have one so what we're here for is to ask if you would like to help us defeat them while they're still weak." Hannah gawped at them for a few moments then blinked back into reality.

"When you say we..."

"The order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's army." Ron spoke up

"We're going to find everyone and get them all together again to fight, for what we hope is the last time." Hannah nodded intently and seemed to get what they were saying

"So you guys are getting everyone together to fight evil one last time?" She said in a joking manner

"yep you know me i can never just have a peaceful year." Hannah smiled at Harry's remark

"No it seems you can't, I'll help but who else is in?"

"well the whole order we know will help; me hermione ginny Ron George we really haven't talked to anyone else yet we were hoping to talk to Neville next since the castle is right near here."

"Well you don't have to go over there he should be arriving soon seeing as it's 12:57 and he's suppose to be here at 1." They all looked at her like she was crazy

"What?" Hannah said still confused "Ohh! I'm sorry i forgot that we didn't tell you lot! you know with everything thats been happening, me and Neville are dating." She said blushing about the last part.

"That's wonderful Hannah! I always knew you two would date. I knew Ron and Hermione would get together and now look at them! Their having a baby gosh i'm good!" Ginny gushed. Hannah stared at them

"You are?" Hermione nodded while Hannah's grin grew wider "Congratulations!" 

"Thanks." They both said and at that time they heard a knock at the door. Hannah Opened it and it was Neville. They quickly told him what was going on and he didn't hesitate to say he would help. When they told him about the baby he said "It's about time! we all knew it would happen sometime!" Which made Ron and Hermione both blush they caught up for what seemed like days but really was 2 hours. 

"We'll see you October 3rd then?"

"Yes we can't wait." Neville said putting his arm around Hannah

"Alright take care Neville, Hannah." 

"You to Hermione." Neville smiled and then shut the door after them.

"Okay so two down seventeen to go!" Ron said

"Thats the spirit." Hermione sighed and they all went back to number 12 grimwauld place to turn in easy next up Katie Bell.


HELLO!! 2 update in one day yayyy!!! i promised myself i would update twice since  haven't been able to right very long chapters since school started so this for you guys hope you liked it =) any ways if you like or hated it i think this chapter came out pretty good. better than i thought probably because i'm reading again. i'm catching up with a series i haven't read in a little while called the caster chronicles. the books are called Beautiful Creatures, Beautiful Darkness, and Beautiful Chaos if you've read them leave a comment i'd love to know what you think of them =) Anyways i'm done rattling off now Vote Comment or if you'd be nice enough to even fan?


P.S. i don't know who to dedicate this one to the next one will be the last one of the random dedications for a little while but the first one to comment on this chapter that hasn't gotten a dedication yet gets a dedication on this chapter and the second one to comment (again that hasn't gotten one already) gets the last one =)

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