Chapter 14: Homecoming

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The next day was the day Ginny and Harry came back. Hermione couldn't wait it had been nearly a week since she had seen Ginny and Harry and she was beginng to miss them. they were apperating at 12 to the burrow that would give hermione 1 hour to take a shower. so she got up from the table where she had breakfast and made the climb up to the bathroom. she stepped into the steaming hot water and let it pour down her back while she thought about what happened at diagon alley.

why were all these death eaters sudenly poping up? why'd they wait for now when they could of  started a rebelion when harry first beat voldemort? it didn't make any sense! and the more she thought about the more it made her angry so she finally just let the thought go and got out of the shower. she wrapped the towel around her then got dressed and went down stairs. Everyone was already gathering in the livingroom for they're arrival they'd be here in 5 minutes. Hermione took a seat next to ron on the counch.

'i can't believe it's only been a week, it feels like it's been a month!" Ron complained

"I know it's like summer vacation all over again." 

"yeah." ron said while he snaked his arm around hermione's waist.

"have i told i love you today?" ron smiled

"no i don't think you have."

"well i do"

"i love you too." hermione grinned

"and you know i was wonderstruck to meet you."


"yeah it's just a new word i learned i thought it was pretty cool."

"hmm i think so to." hermione said as she leaned up to kiss him quickly

"i was wonderstruck to meet you too." then sudenly there was a loud pop and then Ginny and Harry appeared.

"Ginny! Harry!" Mrs.weasley sqeulled and jumped up to hug them.

"mom." ginny gasped as she hugged mrs.weasley back. Hermione stared at Harry as he went through the crowd of weasleys. "something doesn't seem right" she thought "he seems out of it." then harry had finally got to her.

"Harry! how was the trip?" she said as she hugged him

"oh good." he said but then countinued lowering his voice "i need to talk to you and Ron after this okay."

"harry what's going on?"

"i can't talk about it here 'mione later alright."

"okay." she said hesitantly

so they went on through dinner and mrs.weasleys questions and then met harry.

"okay harry what's going on i can tell something is wrong."

"yeah mate what happened?" ron said

"well it was the 3rd day me and ginny were there we were just relaxing outside of the house we were renting and then suddenly i saw a bush move at first i just thought i was just seeing things but then it happened again and again. Then Ginny noticed it so i got out my mind and went over to it when 3 death eaters came out and attacked us. We took care of them but Ginny was a little shook up seeing as this is the 2nd time it's happened after the war."

"Harry that's horrible! why didn't you send us an owl?'

"We didn't want to risk Mrs.weasley opening it and getting all worried."

"Hermione got attacked too. 2 days ago she had to go to st.mungo's" ron added

"listen i've been thinking i don't think this is random i think they're targeting us.

"i was afraid you were ging to say that. i've been thinking that too." hermione said worried

"well wat do we do now?" ron thought out loud


"wait? Hermione they're targeting us!"

"we're not sure of that yet! and still we should see how it plays out for the next 3 weeks or so we don't want to jump to conclusions and be wring." she said raising an eyebrow

"so we'll wait?" ron asked

"We'll wait." hermione said putting her hand in the middle of them

"We'll wait." ron mimicked hermione

"We'll wait." Harry finally said hugging Ron and Hermione


HELLO EVERYONE!! i'm SOOOOOOO sorry i didn't upload i just had this huge writers block and i just coiuldn't get rid of it! so like it? hate it? in between? i'm going to TRY to put the next chater up tomorrow. Try being the key word there haha.  so comment, vote or maybe

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