Chapter 12: Bloody Hell!

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Hermione counted down the days until Harry and Ginny would get back. Even though Ginny had sent an owl as soon as they got there it still made Hermione anxious.

"When will they be back?" Ron whined for the millionth time in 3 days

"Ron for the billionth time Thursday."

"But that’s 2 days away!"

"Yes Ron 2 whole days can you survive that long?"

"No I don't think I can.” he said with a sarcastic smile which made Hermione's heart flutter then the most unexpected thing happened.

Ron got up off the couch and went over to Hermione grabbed her waist then pulled her towards him and kissed her. At first she was taken back but then kissed him back enthusiastically entwining her hands in his ginger hair that she loved. They kissed passionately until they heard a loud beep that made them jump 10 feet apart. Ron looked at his watch "Bloody Hell! I have to get to George’s joke shop he's gonna kill me!"

"Why do you have to go there?"

"Oh um I have a job there now."

"Really." she said raising an eyebrow

"Yes really." he said then gave her a quick kiss then whispered, "you know I love you."

"I love you too." she said as she looked in his bright blue eyes

"I’ll see you later goodbye!" Ron went to the fire place and grabbed some floo powder


He smiled then threw the floo powder on him yelling "Weasley’s' wizard wheezes!" and with that he vanished

Hermione stood there for a few minutes just staring at the place her fiancé had just vanished but then thought "how long has it been since I’ve read a book for the fun of it?" so she went upstairs and grabbed Hogwarts: A history then went back down stairs and started reading.

2 hours and a half had gone by and Hermione was done with the book. Only 3 more hours until Ron gets home she could get through that. So she dug out cleaning supplies and decided to clean the muggle way. Hermione was swept away with all the potions Mrs.Weasley had for cleaning the burrow. It was like her job to have every single cleaning potion in the world.

So when Hermione looked for something to clean windows she was surprised to find nothing there. "No problem I can just go to diagon alley and get some more." she thought aloud. Hermione got up and then apperated to apothecary.

She landed right outside the little shop in diagon alley. She stepped inside and instantly smelled all the different potions and ingredients. She went to the isle labeled household potions and grabbed the window cleaner and approached the line for the counter. There where about 4 people in line but the person in front of her kept looking back at her mysteriously. And it wasn't until Hermione looked down that she suddenly knew why on their left arm was a jet-black dark mark. Hermione was stunned. A death eater here? It couldn't be? She decided not to stick around to find out for certain she but the cleaning potion down and darted for the door.

"Going somewhere?" the death eater said stepping in front of her

"Yes." she whispered

"Why mud-blood? Do you have to get to your blood traitor boyfriend?" Hermione winced instantly reaching her hand to het scar. Just when she was going to apperate the death eater grabbed her.

"Not so fast mud blood where do you think you going? I’m not done with you!" suddenly the door behind Hermione locked


"Protego." he laughed, "stupid girl do you think you can get ride of me that fast do ya?"

"Petrificus Totalus!" this time he just blocked it with a flick of his wand

"You might not want to do that mud-blood your really starting to piss me off!"

Hermione stayed silent and stared at the death eater.

"That’s right stay quiet it'll be easier that...

"Confundo!" this time it hit him full on

"Alohomora." she ran out the door hoping that she had lost the death eater but he was still right behind her shooting inaccurate spells at her. Suddenly she tripped and one hit her in the back. She was in a full body bind curse.

"Thought you could escape didn't you mud-blood?"


MWAHAHA cliffhanger!! Hello everyone how'd you like the chapter? Like it? Hate it? Love it? In between? Well this chapter was kind of co-written by cmracingstar she helped me through my horrible writers block! Isn’t that nice? Thank you to everyone that has fanned me you guys are awesome all 11 of you! Ha-ha so I looked at the story the other day and it has over 1,5000 reads!! I was jumping up and down when I saw that :)  thank you everyone that has read the chapters you guys ROCK! So please comment vote or maybe even fan? (Did you guys checkout chasing Courtney yet? well if you haven't you really should!) 


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