Brian Friedman.
I met him once briefly when he was in London doing some workshops. I went to one of those with Michael.
I remember being sick to my stomach because Michael would tell me all these incredible things about him. How he's the choreographer for Britney Spears and has already worked with the biggest names in the industry. I felt intimidated even before we got there and when we finally arrived I just wanted to run away.
But Michael was great, stayed by my side the whole time until we were divided into smaller groups to practice the routine. When my group was up to perform the short routine Brian taught us that day I saw Michael sliding up next to him and pointing in my direction. He said something and Brian nodded. I wasn't sure if it was something good but I promised myself to ask later.
After the workshop was over Michael offered to take me home and as we stopped in front of my parent's house he just simply said "You know you left a lasting impression on Brian today. He told me he really likes your style." I smiled, glad that I made my mentor proud. I got out of the car and went inside.
It's been a good day after all, I told myself.
Exactly one hour after I came home I heard the doorbell ring. I was up in my room trying to stuff as many clothes as I could in my duffle bag. I had no idea how long I would be gone. No idea what to take with me. When the plane was leaving. Who paid for the ticket. Suddenly this whole idea seemed very wrong. And very unrealistic. I pinched myself and shrieked when it actually hurt.
I zipped up my bag that looked like it might explode any second and went downstairs. I heard noises coming from the kitchen so I followed them. I stood in the door frame and saw Michael talking to my parents waving frantically with his hands. All I could make out was "...great opportunity...", "...experience of a lifetime...", "...well paid job...", "...famous and successful..." My dad then noticed me standing there and waved me over. "Darling are you really sure you want to do this? You'd be thousands and thousands of miles away from us. For a whole year!"
I tried to hold in a scream. A YEAR! A WHOLE YEAR???
"Dad I'll be fine. Look I really want to do this. I love dancing so much. This is my time to shine. I know it won't be easy. But nothing in life is handed to us in a silver platter. We all have to fight for our dreams. I know I'm strong enough. Let me fight for my dream."
Whoa! Where did that come from? Even Michael was looking at me like he didn't know who I was.
I was shocked too. But let's be honest here. If a world class choreographer invites you to LA for a year to improve your skills and become your mentor, you wouldn't be turning down that offer either.
That didn't mean that I wasn't scared. I was scared to death. I've never been away from home. Not for a whole year anyway. Suddenly it hit me. A whole year in LA. I had to pack more stuff. As I rushed back to my room I realized I would also not be able to see my friends for a whole year. Miss school for a whole year. I hesitated for a split second only. It was a small price to pay if I really wanted my dreams to come true.
The next morning I woke up in time. I was too damn excited for what was about to happen. Michael promised to come with me to LA so I wouldn't be alone on the flight. He even agreed to stay at Brian's place for a couple of days. I was glad I wouldn't be completely on my own from day one. A car pulled up at the front gate and I quickly gathered all my stuff. I couldn't wait for this journey to start. I was on the phone with my best friend Kat the night before and although she was truly happy for me I could hear sadness in her voice. I promised her to call and write her as much as I could. I promised her we would skype night and day.
She was already at school and my parents already at work when Michael arrived so there would be no one to wave me goodbye at the airport. I didn't mind. Although I was sad to leave all my loved ones behind the feeling of excitement was stronger.
Michael put the bags in the trunk. I looked back at my home one last time then slid on the passenger seat. We drove off and I didn't look back.
We will meet again
FanfictionMy first Zayn Malik/One Direction Fan Fiction. Hope you enjoy it! :)