Chapter 6

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Jai is taking me to the airport to meet Justin. We have to fly to New York for the tonight show with Jimmy.
Jai walks me in and we meet Justin. "You watch her, got it?" "Yea I do" Justin responds. Jai gives me a tight hug, "I love you" he whispers in my ear, and kisses my forehead. Justin takes my hand and we board the plane.
We take our seats, and relax. "Jimmy doesn't know that we are coming." "Oh this is going to be fun" I say smirking.
The plane ride was short. We get off and head to our cab. "Stay close to me ok?" I nod and follow him in. After a while I grab his hand and he leads me to our room. "Go change, we are on last so we have time" I nod and go to the bathroom. I change into my dress and flats. I walk out and Justin is ready. "Ready" "ready" I respond. We walk to the edge of the stage and you can here the crowd. "Now Jimmy we have a surprise for you" "what!! You know I don't like surprises!" Me and Justin look at each other. "Now here is Justin timberlake and Ellie Courtney!" Me and Justin walk out and Jimmy is there with such surprise. He hugs Justin and then me. The crowd quiets down. "Ellie how did you get here!" "In a airplane" I say. "No, I mean how did you get jai to let you come?" Jimmy ask. "Well he has to do something tonight, maybe like going on a date."
We talk for a bit, and then Justin sings mirrors. I sing along and dance with Jimmy. After he sings we play a game of family feud.
I had the best night ever. I do wonder how jai's date went. I go to the hotel room with Justin and fall asleep As soon as my head hits the pillow.

Jai's pov
The whole time I'm on the date in worried about Ellie. I know I shouldn't because she's with Justin but still. This girl is really nice, funny, and friendly. At the end I asked "I really had fun, we should do this again." "yea" she responds and gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. I just can't wait to see Ellie tomorrow.

Justin's pov
I had so much fun on jimmy's show. He is like my best friend, you know besides Ellie. Ellie is sleeping right now, she's so cute. Jai's so lucky. I go to bed and fall asleep immediately.

Ellie's pov
I'm homesick. I had tons of fun on the tonight show but I just want to go home. I miss jai. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
I wake up and it's time to leave. I put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and head out. Justin grabs my things as we walk to the cab. I get in and Justin follows. A Justin timberlake song comes on and he looks at me. It's cry me a river. My second favorite. I sing and Justin follows along. The cab driver gives us funny looks but we don't care we are having a fun time. And it's the perfect moment.

Justin's pov
We board the plane, and take our seats. Ellie falls asleep in my shoulder. I put my earbuds in and lean my head on her head.
I open my eyes and see that we landed. I pick up the bags and Ellie and leave the airport.
Jai's pov
I wait for Ellie to come home. Addie is here and we are watching tv. She leans into me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. We spent the whole night together and it was really fun. There is a knock on the door and I run to get it. There stands Justin with Ellie in his arms. I take her from him and I give him a side hug. He leaves. I walk back inside and set Ellie down on the couch. I set my arm on her waist, and wrap my other arm around Addie.
Ellie wakes up. She gives me a really big hug. "I missed you" she whispers, "I did too little monkey, I can't live without you" she smiles. "Hi Addie" "hi Ellie" I hope they get along. Addie sits next to me and cuddles into me. I kiss her forehead. She falls asleep and I soon do too.

Ellie's pov
I wake up and see jai and Addie sleeping together. I like her. Kinda. I just don't want her to take jai away from me. He wakes up and stares at me. "Hey little monkey" "hi" I respond. He walks up to me, "I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the divergent premiere?" I smile it hurts "yes!" I say giving him a really big hug. I finally get to see theo again. Jai makes breakfast and Addie leaves soon after. Me and jai had a relaxing day getting ready for the premiere tomorrow night.

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