Chapter 8

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I haven't been sleeping or eating good. I can't take life without her. I don't talk to anyone, all I do is listen to music all day. Ellie is at Justin's and Addie is here with me. "Babe please talk to me" she pleads. I just wrap my arm around her. She kisses me on the cheek. I don't respond. You know what screw it. I grab her face and kiss her. She is taken back at first but soon kisses back.

Ellie's pov
I am really worried about jai. I haven't talked to him in days. I'm at Justin's right now with him and Jimmy. I don't really talk to anyone. "Ellie please" Justin pleads. "Talk to me" he pleads again. I don't say anything. He leaves the room.
Justin's pov
I call theo. He is like a brother to her.
J- hey theo
T- hey wats up?
J- so long story short, Jai's mom died and Ellie is with me and she hasn't talked to me in two days. I don't know what to do.
T- I'm coming over right now.
Theo's pov
I drive to Justin's house. I feel bad for jai. His mom was everything to him. I park and go in. Justin opens the door, I walk behind him till he leads me to Ellie's room. I knock, "who is it?" She says from inside, "it's me theo, ellbell let me in?" I say, she opens the door and go and sits on her bed with me following. "Tell me why you aren't coming out of your room." "I miss jai, I haven't seen him in a week and a half, I haven't even talked to him" I grab her hand and lead her out of the room. Justin is there sitting on the couch. "We are going to see jai." "Ok I'm coming" we all get in the car and drive to jai's.
Jai's pov
I am cuddling with Addie right now. "Babe I got to go, I will text you later, I love you!" She says giving me a peck on the lips, she leaves. I watch tv, *knock knock* who could be visiting me. I get up and open the door. And there stands Ellie, Justin, and Theo. I've missed Ellie so much. She runs up to me and hugs me, I hug her tightly, and pick her up and keep hugging her. "I've missed you." "Me too" she says. Justin and theo left. I just want life to go back to normal.

5 months later.....

Ellie has started going to school. She is in the 5th grade. Me and Addie did breakup. She didn't like Ellie. Jerk. Who doesn't like her, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Justin has a new album coming out. Insurgent is being filmed right now. My life couldn't be more perfect.

Ellie's pov
I'm at school right now. It's so boring. I want to just hang with jai all day that would be awesome. I don't like school and I never have. There is this kid Eric who keeps on annoying me. My friend Abbie says he likes me. But the thing is I don't like him.
The day goes by and I go home and do my homework. Jai is away filming insurgent right now so I'm here with Justin. "Can we please do the dance game, please!!" I yell while hanging on to Justin's leg. "Finnnneeeeee" he says. He invites Jimmy and we all dance until we fall asleep.
Short chapter sorry. Really busy.. Go check out my Instagram account allegiant_fourtris4

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