Chapter 9

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A few weeks later..
Jai's pov
Life is great right now. Ellie is in school and I'm filming in Chicago. Today I'm picking Ellie up from school and taking her to a basketball game with me. I walk into the school and wait in the lobby with the other parents. A few minutes later the kids coming rushing out, I see Ellie walking out with her best friend Abbie. She doesn't see me at first but when she does her eyes light up. She runs with Abbie behind her and jumps up to give a hug. I hug her tight. "Hi, how was school?" "Good"she relies as I set her down on the ground. "Hey Abbie" "hi jai". Ellie and walk out to the car. She doesn't know where we are going, and who all is going to be there. We drive to the stadium, and I hand her a present. "What is this" "open it" she takes off the wrapping paper to see a Chicago Bulls jersey, her face instantly lights up."look on the back" she turns it over to see Courtney written on the back. I take my jacket off and she sees that I have the same one. A big smile comes across her whole face. "Dad thank you so much!" Dad. She's never called me that. "Dad?" "Oh sorry" "it's ok, I don't really care". We walk into the stadium and I but Ellie a hotdog and a drink. We walk to our seats and as soon as she sees who here she jumps and gives me a hug. "Oh my god" I chuckle. She runs up to theo and gives him a really big hug, and then Jimmy, and then Tom and shai. Justin is coming later, after him and her go out on the court and play one on one. Everyone has a jersey like hers, she has a big smile on her face. We all sit down, and Ellie eats her dinner.
The game has started. The first half has just ended. "Will Ellie Courtney please come down to center court!" She looks at me and I point to the court. She runs down there and waits, "Ellie you will be playing one on one with Justin timberlake!" She looks up at me and gives me a smirk. Justin walks out with his jersey on and a basketball signed by all the Chicago Bulls. He hands it to her and she gives him a big hug. They get a picture and play one on one. Ellie wins. Her and Justin come up and she comes to me and gives me a big hug. "Shai, I need you to take a picture" "ok" me and Ellie turn around and she snaps a picture. I thank her and I goes into Instagram and posts the picture with the comment- "There's two Courtney's now". She grabs her phone and goes into camera and me and her take a selfie.
Ellie's pov
The Bulls won. I had a great night. We are on our way back, I go into Instagram and see Jai's picture, I like and comment "😍😘"I post a picture of me and Justin and say "i beat him🏀👊". As soon as I post it Justin comments "I let you win" I respond,"cry me a river you big baby😂" "so funny, love ya el😘" "you too J😘" Jimmy posts a picture of me him and Justin saying "great night with them🏀😘" I comment "😘love ya😘" "you too el😘" Justin comments,"love you James" "you too bro". Bromance. I fall asleep in the car with my head on Jai's shoulder.

Ellie's pov
Uggg it's Monday. I hate going to school on Mondays. I am in math right now and we are getting our tests back, the teacher hands me mine and I see that I got a C. Oh no jai is going to be really mad. I'll just ask him to help me. Class ends soon after and I go home, jai isn't there yet. So I get a head start on my homework. I am about to start my math when jai comes home. "Hey el I'm home" "hey jai" "what did you get on your math test?" Crap.. " I got a C" "a c, Ellie" "I'm sorry jai, I'll fix it I promise." "Ok, but no more ok" "alright" I finish my math homework and me and jai have dinner. I say goodnight to jai and head to bed to get ready for school tomorrow.

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