Chapter Eleven

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Hanna's P.O.V
The words Bonze said to me slowly sink inside of me. I mentally panicked but stayed physically calmed.

"Hanna, I got your cheque." Dad called out jogging towards us. I took the cheque thanking him and gave it to Bonze.

"Here is what I promise. Thank you Bonze." I hugged him and with that he left but not before he gave me back my belonging.

Dad helped me took my belonging into the house as I helped the suddenly pale looking Connor into the house.

We settled down on the couch and I started explaining.

"It's really complicated. Mom and dad we will be taking in Connor and Chitra . It's the safest for now. Right now , I need to fly to Niall . Him and his bandmates are in deepshit. They're in danger. Really really serious danger. So I need to head off. You can know the rest from Connor . Connor everything is going to be alright, I promise." I kissed his forehead and he replied with a sad nod.

"Mom , Dad stay save and take care of Connor and Chitra . I'm putting their lives in your hand. If something happens. You know what to you, yeah." I kissed both of their cheeks.

"You too honey . Stay save." Mum gave me a small smile .

With that, I sprint out of the house, flagging a cab and directly ask it to head to the airport.

Louis's P.O.V
Look Louis , Hanna left you.
She hates your worthless , pathetic self.
Such a wimp!
You're nothing Louis.
You need to die!
Cut Louis!

"Stop! Hanna didn't leave me . She have a tournament !" I screamed to myself trying to fight the voices.

It was unbearable . It gets worse and louder each time it appears . I couldn't take it. It's only been two days Hanna went to her tournament and here I am . In a disastrous state.

I can't stop crying, I refuse to eat and I refuse to leave my bunk even though there's a concert and interviews. However, I have not relapse yet.

I'm proud that I have not relapse yet but I could literally feel that relapsing can come any moment soon.

Niall on the other hand was almost the same as me . Neither did he eat nor leave his bunk but I don't know if he relapse .

"Louis, Louis ... Calm down. What happen , why are you shouting?' Harry came running into my bunk and hugged me tightly .

"I---miss--her , Harry . I can't do this." I sobbed into his chest.

"Lou, it's gonna be alright, I promise. You need to clear your head. We'll Skye with her yeah ?" Harry wipe my tears and kiss my head just like Hanna use to do which make a few tears strayed down my cheek.

"Maybe you would want to have a walk at the nearby park? We're having a tour bus break for at least 2 days her." He suggested and I nod.

"Get yourself clean yeah, I'll tag along." He said.

"Okay," I mumbled and got up from my bunk , walking to the toilet.

I wash my face , changing to a new set of clothes wit millions of bracelets to cover my cuts and headed off to where Harry was waiting for me.

"I've told the other boys that we're heading out . So, everything should be fine now." He intertwined my hand with his and we walked to the nearest park.

Everything was silent, only the cold breeze could be feel hitting my exposé skin.

"Ha--rry how is Niall co--ping up?" I stuttered .

"He's slightly better, Lou. Zayn and Liam manage to force food down his throat. Talking about food, after this walk we're gonna go get a huge meal yeah. It's been almost two days , Lou , you have not been eating." He sternly said.

"Fi----ne" I stammered giving in.

Slowly as we sauntered at the park. I got my mind slightly cleared.

"Everything gonna be okay," I softly chant making Harry smile at me.

"C--an we si-t? I'm get--ting tired ." I mumbled.


And we sat at the bench.

We stayed quiet but it wasn't an awkward silent, it was quite a comfortable silent. My eyes start to drooped slightly as I lean in Harry's shoulder .

"If you're sleepy ,Lou . You can doze off , I'll wake you up when we're gonna have our dinner, yeah?" I nod in response shutting my eyes .

"Well,well,well..... I finally found you !" A familiar voice made me jolt up . I look up to see Eleanor, my ex, and I gasped.

"What do you want Eleanor?!" Harry growled pulling me into his chest as I trembled in fright seeing my ex who had actually been so horrible to me.

Flashback~~~~ Third P.O.V
Louis gave Eleanor a plate of Chicken Grill with barbecue sauce just as she wanted.

"Eleanor, here's your food." Louis said.

Eleanor took the plate and inspected it. Once she inspected it , she got up to her feet throwing the ferocious hot plate to Louis's face making the fragile boy cried out in pain.

"Why is there not enough lettuce! I demand for more! You're such a faggot! You don't even know how to make a good dish! " She slaps him across the face. "Listen here faggot! Neither do I like nor love you. All I want for you is your money !"

The words hit Louis hard. He had been so naive all along.

Eleanor kicked Louis on his torso , punching him repeatedly all over his body and pinching his skimpy body leaving red marks on it while some others bleed out.

"Eleanor! What do you think you're doing?!" Harry's voice echoed at the apartment. The curly headed rushed over to the crying Louis and hugged him tight.

"He deserve it , Harry. He's such a faggot!!!" Eleanor screamed.

"No he does not bitch!" Harry slap Eleanor across the cheek. "Starting from now, Louis is breaking up with you and you are no longer allow with us. Get lost!"

Eleanor didn't heave a word , she rolled her eyes and stormed out of the apartment.

That day on, Louis always had a trauma when the name Eleanor is heard.

End of flashback~~~

"I'm here to take my boyfriend back," Eleanor smirked .

"His no longer your boyfriend , you whore! Leave him alone!" Harry exclaimed pulling Louis tighter into his embrace .

"Well too bad ... We'll have to do it the hard way." Eleanor clapped her hand and two humongous man came out for the darkness. My eyes widen upon seeing them.

Last thing I know was me getting pulled away from Harry and fell unconscious .

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