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Hanna's P.O.V

Today. Today will be the day where I will be proposing to Louis. I have thought hard and long, he's the right person for me. Although we have a reverse diversity, I'm still going to propose to him.

Luke is 6 months old, he has been babbling none stop since 5 in the morning. That's apart of my plan.

"Hey bub," I gave a raspberry kiss to his stomach, "you're gonna help mama to propose papa okay?"

I bathed him then dress him up in a onesie that states 'will you marry mama?' . I placed him on top of the sleeping Louis then shake him awake.

"Aww...... My baby boy is awake," Louis yawned kissing Luke's nose. "Did mama bathed you? You smell like strawberry! God, I love you."

Louis didn't realize Luke's clothing until he turned onto his stomach viewing Luke fully.

"Will you marry mama?" Louis read the words. He instantly turn to me. "Are you serious?"

"Yes Lou. I've thought hard and long. Since we already have Luke and we have been dating for god knows how long. I really really love you so would you do the honor of being my Mr Horan?" I got into one knee as he says on the bed, Taking out the shiny diamond ring with his name on it.

"Yes! Of course I will marry you!" He squealed.

I slip the ring into his finger then hug him tightly.

"Thank you, I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I love you Louis William Horan." I kiss him passionately.

"And I love you too, Hanna Lawrence Horan."

••••••• 4 years later•••••••
Louis's P.O.V

"Papa! Mama is home!" screams Luke running to me who was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Lukey," I chuckled hoisting his body to my waist walking out of the kitchen.

"Welcome home babe," I kiss her cheeks while she kiss my forehead and Luke's forehead.

"How was work today?" I asked sitting beside her.

"Tiring. Some nerds just join boxing and they don't even know any self-defense. It took hours to teach them," she sighed.

"How was both of you? Luke did you become a good boy?" She took Luke from my arms and sat him in her lap.

"I've been a good boy today. Papa cook. I clean toy," Luke giggled.

"That's my boy," Hanna ruffled his hair. "How bout you Lou baby? Is everything okay?"

That's when I stayed silent.

It's been four years since Hanna proposed me. We got married two months later after the proposal. I then made a decision to leave one direction and focus on Luke and Hanna.

The boys wasn't angry they were glad that I know what I'm doing. Even if I leaved one direction, the boys and I kept in touch all the time. They supported me.

Hanna and I change our roles though. I became the girl in our marriage while Hanna became the guy in the marriage. Hanna is the one who is working and supporting our family and I'm glad I have her.

"Papa okay?" Luke's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"I'm okay," I smiled at him.

"Lou," Hanna worriedly looked at me, "tell me what happen."

"You remember that time when we wanted another kid and we went to the sperm donor and they inserted one in me?" She nods in response.

"Well, it came out positive and Luke is going to have a baby brother or sister!" I beamed.

"Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! " Hanna exclaimed in excitement. "I've been waiting for this babe!"

"Papa why mama scream?" Luke scrunched his face.

"You are going to have a little brother or sister." I explained.

"Yeah!!!" Luke grinned.

"I love you Louis, Luke and the little one." Hanna uttered kissing me passionately.

"I love you , Luke and the little one too," I repeated hugging my little family tightly.

It seems that a depressed guy like me has ended up to be the most luckiest and happy guy ever. Lets just let me continue the journey of my life.

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