-3- School

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Today was the first day of school, Forks High School. Well, i was used to being the new kid, so it didnt bother me. I heard the annoying sound of my clock. 'Ugh' i sighed as i pushed the button to make it stop. Five more minutes, i thought. I woke up a half hour later.

'Jamie! Wake up Jamie! Wake up!' Megan yelled as she dragged me out of bed. 'Yeah yeah, coming' i groaned as i got out of bed. 'You better hurry, your going to be late, if so, im not waiting in the car then you have to walk!' She yelled as she walked downstairs. It sucked not having my own car. Megan and I shared a dark blue jeep that we got for our 16th birthday.

I walked to the bathroom and started taking a shower. The hot water wasnt doing me any good, so i turned the cold water more on. Thats better, i thought. The cold water waked me up as i showered. After showering i dried myself of and put on some nice clothes. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a tee and a dark red sweater. I did my hair in a braid and put a beanie over it. I looked in the mirror and thought, i need makeup. So, i put on some mascara and a thin eyeliner. I applied some chapstick and grabbed my backpack. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a mueslibar, to eat while Megan is driving us to school. I walked to the car where Megan was already waiting. 'Youre lucky, i almost went without you' Megan said as she took a sip of her coffee and placed it back in the hole thingie where you put your coffee and smoothies, you know what i mean right? Right.

The car ride to school was boring. We didnt say much, but just listened to the music. I hope our first day will be good. I mean, better then the other first days at our other school. Then were horrible. I smiled as i remembered our first day of school when we were six. We both were too embarrassed to talk, because evereybody was staring like they just went crazy. Mom took a picture of us before we went to school. We were both wering the same pastel yellow dress and we had both 2 cute little pigtales with pink ribbons. We used to look exact the same. Everything was the same. All the kids at that school were confused and stared at us like they saw dubble or something.

'Meg do you remember the first day of school we had when we were six?' I asked to Megan, curious if she would remember. 'Yeah that was so akward.' She said as she smiled. 'Were almost there.' 'Okay Meg' i responded as i began to get my jacket on that in stuffed in my backpack yesterday. It was raining, again. It been raining all day, but not when we were in the car. Typical.
'Were there' Megan said as she drove up the parking lot off the school. She set the Jeep next to a sparkling Volvo. There was another Jeep, our Jeep, that Jeep and the Volvo were the only nice looking cars.
We walked to the building, I put my beanie better over my ears, because it was raining and it was damn cold. Megan, the smart ass, brought a umbrella, she put it up and grabbed my wrist as the jerked me forward, to the door. 'Calm down Meg!' I yelled as she runned to the building. 'No hurry, its your fault if my hair gets messed up!' She said angry. Our hair was the same colour, but her's was shorter, it ended above her shoulder. My hair was almost to my bum, and i pulled it almost every day in a different braid.

We walked to the office and asked for our schedules. We compared our schedules and figured out we had only Spanish together. Pity. Not really, i didnt liked to be with Megan in class, because she wouldnt stop talking! Like she never stopped! And she always knew everything better, it was really annoying. 'Aaawh pity!' Megan said as she realized we had almost nothing together. 'Yeah' i responded sarcastly, but she didnt noticed.

I walked to Math, and she walked to Biology. I took an empty seat by the window, but the teacher wanted me to sit in front this lesson so i could introduce myself. Ugh i hated that the most about moving. Every time i had to talk in front of people i didnt know, akward! I quikly introduced myself, 'Hey i'm Jamie Rosewater and i'm from Phoenix, my hobbies are dancing, drawing and listening to music.' The people were staring at me, like i was a animal in the zoo. My cheeks turned red and the teacher said 'Right Jamie, you can sit back by the window.

As i sat down, the door opened and i saw the most beautiful boy i have ever laid my eyes on. He had honey blond curls that were perfectly messy. He had beautiful golden eyes i could stare at for hours. I stared at him and his eyes met mine. 'Right everybody, this is Jasper Hale, he is also new.' The teacher said. 'So Jasper, tell us something about yourself' 'Hey i'm Jasper. My hobbies are reading, drawing and listening to music' he said with the most beautiful  voice i ever heard. He had an southern accent, i felt like i heard it before but i couldnt place it. 'You can sit next to Jamie, she is also new.' The teacher said as Jasper walked towards me. I didnt noticed, but there was another boy that walked with him into the classroom. I think i was to focused at Jasper, that i didnt noticed that he was there. 'You can introduce yourself as well.' The teacher said. 'Hello, I'm Edward Cullen, Jasper's almost brother.' He said with a sheepish smile. 'My hobbies are reading and playing the piano.' He finished with that. 'Right you can sit here.' The teacher pointed at a table behind my table.

'Hey im Jasper, as you probably heard, can i borrow a pencil?' He asked as the teacher drew a weird looking triangle on the board and said that we need to copy it. 'Yeah sure, here you go' i said as i grabbed a pencil and handed it to him. 'Thank you' he said with a smile as he began copying the triangle.
I couldnt stop staring at him. I couldnt. Then my jaw dropped. He was the guy i dreamed about! I dreamed about him before i even knew he existed. Omg i was shocked! 'Do i have something on my face or something?' I heard someone laugh. I was pulled out of my shock. 'Sorry what?' I asked with red cheeks. 'You were staring at me.' Jasper said while laughing a perfect laugh. 'O sorry' i murmered. 'Doesnt matter' he said as he finished his triangle. I began drawing the triangle as the teacher began whiping the board. 'Wait im not done!' I shouted to the teacher. 'Copy it from Jasper' he responded. 'Yeah sorry i was in thoughts,' I said shy 'but can i copy your triangle?' 'Yeah sure here you go' he said as he handed me his paper.
I began drawing it as i thought of how i dreamed about Jasper. Why did i dreamed about him? I didnt even know he existed when in dreamed about him. What does it mean?
I heard Edward murmer something to Jasper. 'Tell you later' i heard him say, very quiet. What tell you later? Whatever its not my business.

The rest of the day went by fast, the classes were quit fun, exept that i had to introduce myself every class. But yea, i dont have to do it for the rest of the year in hope. I realized i felt a little sad that i didnt had any other class with Jasper, except for math. I dont know why i keep thinking about him. Every time i was thinking about something, like lunch, i ended drifting away in my thoughts to Jasper. Maybe i like him. Maybe more. I have to figure that out before it gets out of hand, i mean by out of hand, that as im thinking about Jasper, that i walk into a door or something.

I drove Megan and i home, thinking about Jasper of course. 'Hey look out!' Megan yelled as i almost hit a car. 'Where are you with your thoughts!!! You almost hit a car!' Megan screamed angry. 'Sorry' i murmered as i focused back on the road. Its a good idea not to think about Jasper while im driving.


'Iewww' Megan yelled when she opened a bowl. In it layed a green slimy thing. We had to eat it anyway so i didnt made a point of it. I finished my meal as fast as i could so i could change into comfy clothes and write in my diary about Jasper.

As i finished the story about my dream about Jasper, i went to sleep. I dreamed about Jasper.

I walked in an forest, following the screaming i heard. I tried to speak, but there came no sound out of my mouth. I began to run as the screaming became louder. I stopped in a small field in a forest. In the field was a boy with honey blonde curls. It reminded me of Jasper. The boy sat on his knees and was begging to stop. I didnt know what he ment, there was nothing going on. But then i felt a huge amound of pain in my heart. I screamed, and i heard my scream, so i could make a sound. I screamed as the pain became more and more. My heart was on fire. I fel down and screamed again as the fire spread to my head. I screamed more and when the pain became so much i couldnt take it, it suddenly stopped. I stayed on the ground, scared that the pain would come back. When i was sure the pain wouldnt come back, i sat up and walked to the boy. He stood up and walked over to me. When i saw his face, my stomach dropped. It was Jasper. He walked closer as i held my breath. He cupped my face with his cold, extremely, unusually cold hands. I wrapped my hands around his back. Our faces became closer and closer. I closed my eyes as he did the same. Right before our lips touched, i woke up.

The day I met you {Jasper Hale FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now