-5- Truth

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'Jamie?' I heard Jasper ask from far away. O my gosh. Jasper hugged me. But thats not enough. I wanted more. But thats a little early, dont you think? The person i loved the most in my hole life, hugged me, i didnt want to let go! 'Yeah?' I asked, facing him. I pulled back as i saw his eyes were a little darker. 'Sorry' i murmered. 'Look, its not your fault. Im dangerous, i am a killer!' He said. 'I know, you said that twice now. But thats not gonna change my mind. I love you Jasper. I really love you. You were made for me. And im made for you. You didnt know, but i wanted to feel real love for my hole life now. When i saw you for the first time, i thought, omg he's hot. Then we talked, well talked, you asked me for a pencil but, now you told me your story. You are so much stronger than you you think Jasper. You are so much more capable of then anyone thinks. You've gone through so much more then the others. Thats what makes you special. I love you because this feels right. I dont have a crush on you. Not anymore. I love you. With my hole life.' I finished my story with a smile. Jaspers face was so happy and sad at the same time. If he could cry, he would have. But he told me vampires couldnt cry. 'Jamie, i love you. I love you. I love you.' He said, stepping closer to me. 'Well, i have a few things to explain, will you come to my house?' He asked. 'What about school?' The bell rang a half hour ago. 'Im going to say your sick, follow me and hang your head down like your in pain.' He said as we walked out of the forest.

'Hello? Hello, im Jasper Hale, this is Jamie Rosewater. Shes sick.' Jasper said as i leaned to the doorframe. 'O darling, what happened?' She asked, more to Jasper then to me. 'She hit her head, i think she has a concussion.' He said. 'O gosh, we should drive you to a hospital. Lets go!' She shouted while standing up. 'My father is a doctor. It should be better if i drove her just really quick. I think we should be back tomorrow, or maybe the next day.' He said intimidating, using his accent more. I smiled, because he could feel my lust, and because the woman in the office was shocked. 'Yes yes, now go! Take care of the poor girl!' 'I will, i promise!' Jasper said while smiling.

~At the Cullens House~
'Hello, Im Doctore Carlilse Cullen, but you can call me Carlilse.' Carlilse said. 'Hey im Jamie.' I akwardly said as Jasper pushed me on a sofa. I heard Edward laugh when i thought. Gosh i love you Jasper. 'Edward shut up.' I said angry. 'What did she think? Alice asked. 'She thought: Gosh i love you Jasper.' He said laughing. I looked at the ground. Then i felt Jaspers arm around my waist. I instantly froze as i felt his ice cold skin. 'I love you too Jamie.' Jasper said. I turned around and looked at him. 'Get a room!' Emmet yelled. Rosalie laughed and slapped his arm. 'Be nice' she said.
'Anyway, im Esme. The mother in the family.'  Esme said. 'But wait, why dont you guys have red eyes. I mean, vampires have red eyes, dont they?' I asked Carlisle. 'Let me get to our story. I changed all the kids. I changed Edward because he was dying on the Spanish flu. His mom asked is i couldnt do anything, i think she knew about me. I changed him because his mom told be she would tell the hole town.
Then i changed Alice. She brought Jasper with her when she came to see us. By us i mean, Rosalie, Emmet, Esme and Edward. And me. I changed Rosalie because she laid almost dead in a street. She brought Emmet, he was almost killed by a bear. I also changed Esme. She was my wife when she was human. Still now.' He finished his story while grabbing Esme's waist. 'But there are still a few things you need to know. There is vampire royalty. The Volturi. They have not many rules, but are strict in them. The most important rule is, if a human knows about us, they need to be killed or changed. But we will delay it as long as possible.' Carlilse continued.

I was shocked. I needed to be a vampire or be killed. 'I want to be a vampire.' I said as everyone stared at me. 'No way! I wont let you go trew everything i went threw.' Jasper whisper-yelled. 'So you want me to die' i said as tears where forming in my eyes. 'What! Jamie you are my life! I dont want you to die! Jamie, look ar me!' He yelled as he grabbed my upper arms. 'Look at me!' He said as he made me feel his emotions. I gasped loudely, he made me felt his love for me. It was too strong for me to handle. I looked in to Jaspers eyes and blacked out.

'Jamie! Jamie!' I heard someone yell. 'Yeah?' I said as i got up. 'Im so sorry Jamie! Im so sorry.' Jasper said as he picked me up. 'What happened?' I asked while wrapped my arms around Jaspers neck. He looked down, too embarrased. 'He made you feel his love.' Rosalie said, laughing a little. I smiled from ear to ear as i remembered. 'Jazz' i said while he put me down. 'Jazz. That was the most amazing thing i ever felt in my hole intire life.' I looked at him and cupped his cold cheek. He looked up at me and our eyes met. 'Im still sorry.' He whispered. 'Jasper and Jamie both of you control your thoughts, please!' Edward yelled. Emmet began to laugh uncontrollable. 'Emmet calm down, let them be.' Esme said. 'Thanks' i murmered. Jasper took my hand in his hand from his cheek and said 'Lets go to my room.' 'Okay.' I said while Jasper picked me up.

In two seconds, we were in his room. 'Well that was fast.' I said while shaking my hair out. 'Nice room by the way' i added as i looked around in the room. It was kinda hipster. The walls were white with one wall green. Against the green wall stood a big cozy sofa were you could lay on, you know what i mean. The floor was from wood and there was a big desk against one white wall. Against the other white wall stood a giant cupboard, divited in two. In the one section were a lot of books, like thousands. 'You like reading i see.' I pointed at the bookcase. 'Yea a lot.' He said. In the other section were placed a lot of music discs. 'You like music too.' I said. 'I like the sound of your voice more.' He said while walking over to me.

He brought his face close to mine. I held my breath, if i even knew how to breathe. He cupped my cheek with one of his cold hands. I ran my hands threw his perfect hair. 'Youre perfect.' I whispered. 'No youre perfect' he whispered back. 'I love you.' I said while grabbing his tshirt and pulling him closer. 'I love you more.' He said while grabbing my waist. I couldnt take it any longer and leaned in. 'I cant, i might hurt you.' He said with sad eyes. 'Do it for me, please?' I begged. Suddenly, his cold lips crashed into mine like he'd been wanting to do this forever. My hole world exploded and only he existed. I kissed him harder, with so much passion. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pinned me to the wall. I wanted it to last forever, i wanted HIM forever. He picked me up and carried me to his sofa. He was above me, relying on one arm. I flipped him over so i sat in his lap. My hands ran threw his hair. His hands were on the bottom of my back. He kissed me with so much force. Unfortunately, i ran out of breath so i pulled away.

'I love you' he said while i put my head on his chest. 'I love you too.'
'You wanna do something scary?' He asked, making his accent more notacible, so i couldnt resist. 'Yes' i answered as he walked over to the massive window, with a view on the forest. He opened it and said 'Climb on my back.' I obeyed and climbed on his muscular back. 'Hold on thight.' He warned. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulders. 'Thighter' he laughed. I thightened my grib.

He jumped at of the window as i screamed. 'Were gonna die!!' I screamed as i hold on Jasper for dear life. 'No were not!' Jasper laughed. He jumped on a tree that stood right across the window. 'O my god!' I yelled as he climbed up the tree, like a monkey. He jumped from tree to tree, higher each time. We were close to a deep and wide river. 'Can these clothes get wet?' He shouted. 'I think so!' I yelled back. He jumped into a large tree and jumped from there extreme high im the sky. We landed in the river.

'That was AWESOME!' I shouted as swam to the side. 'It was ha?' Jasper said, in one second, he was by my side. 'I love you' i said as he climbed on a rock. He held his hand out as i took it. It made me shiver. 'Whats wrong Jame?' I loved it when he called me Jame. 'Nothing, your hand is just cold.' I said. 'Yea thats because im actually dead.' He laughed. I started getting sad. I didnt liked him saying that, what if i ever lose him. I cant lose him! 'Jamie?' Jasper asked. Instead of answering, i just hugged him, sobbing little in his shoulder. 'Hey, whats wrong darlin'?' He asked, worried. 'I dont like it when you say youre dead. It makes me think of losing you. I cant lose you Jasper!' I cried.
'Youre not losing me. Ever.' He said. 'Promise?' I asked.


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