-12- Wedding

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There i stood. In my white dress, with my white heels and a tiara on my head. Rose did my hair, it was an updo with braids and pearls, she set the silver with red diamonts on top. Alice, of course, picked out the dress and the shoes. My dress had a heart shaped neck. It had flower shaped design all the way down the bottom and ended in a circle. I immediatly loved it as Alice showed it to me. The shoes were pretty, but not as pretty as the dress. They had pearls around the toe, and a high heel. They were silvery-white.

I slowly walked down the aisle, my arm in Carlilse arm because i didnt have a real dad. I looked down the whole walk, scared that if i saw Jasper, i would fall because of his perfectness. Carlilse let go and i walked up the stars. I finally looked up and saw Jasper. Automaticcaly, a smile appeared on my face, he smiled too.
'I do'
'I do'

(A/N i decided to leave the saying parts out, i thought it was a bit boring.)

'You may kiss the bride.' I heard the talkperson say. He looked in my eyes and i in his. We slowly leaned in and kissed eachother. Hello miss Hale. I love you. I love you more.
I pulled away, and whispered really quiet, 'I doubt that.' He kissed me again, more forcefull this time. Slowly people began to clap, causing us to stop and look ashamed, we couldnt bluss of course, but we looked down so people wouldnt notice. Then all the hugging came. My mom and Megan were sitting on the last row of chairs and walked to me. 'If you just married him, i think he's the right man for you.' She whispered in my ear while hugging me. 'Thanks.' I said. Megan shyly stepped forward and hugged me fast and stepped back. 'Im really sorry that i didnt call you. Where were you all the time, i didnt see you at school. Mom and i were worried sick.' She said, becoming less shy. 'O dont worry, i was in safe hands.' I said while laughing. I think they noticed my cold skin, because they were both frowning.

We soon went of partying and dancing, but that went by fast.

We walked to the car, hand in hand. Alice picked a dress out for me so i didnt had to wear my weddingdress in the car. 'Emmett.' I grumbled as i saw a sign and a lot of cans on the car. Jasper just laughed.

'One more thing!' Alice yelled. She came walked to us. 'These are luck lockets. Jamie has one with a picture of Jasper in it, and the other way around. You tie it with two knots, and if it loosens and falls off, the wish you made comes true.' She finished. They were both small and silver, and looked like the moon because we loved to watch it at night.

We finally sat in the car as some random dude was driving it. 'Just married ha? Good luck.' He laughed.

We both made the same wish, that we would be together forever. As we walked out the car, the lockets layed broken on the ground.

The day I met you {Jasper Hale FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now