-6- Jane

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We were laying back in his room on his bed.
I knew he would keep his promise. Forever. I hope. I cant lose him. He cant lose me. 'Jazz?' I asked moving my fingers up and down his abs. 'Yeah JamieBamie?' 'What! JamieBamie? Seriously?' I asked while now slapped his chest. 'JamieBamie sound cute, and your cute so it fits.' He laughed. 'Okay Jazzyboy!' I laughed. 'No thats not fare it sounds like a little kids nickname!' He begin to tickle me. 'Theres only one way to decide this!'
'O god what do you want now.' He said, fake bored. 'Theres only one way! EMMETT!' I yelled as loud as i could. 'YES?!' He yelled, in a second he was in our room. 'Emmyboy, were playing truth or dare!' I yelled excited. 'Ha sis you know me!' He yelled. 'Ill get everyone and than we can start!' He STILL yelled while racing threw the house, picking everyone up.
Jasper and I went downstairs and began making space for the circle we would sit in. He moved all the sofa's.

'Got them!' Emmett yelled when we werent even started on moving the stuff. 'Let me' Jasper said. In a second, the sofas were gone. 'Sit down.' I said. 'Okay, i dont know how you guys play it so tell me the rules.' I said. Alice began, 'Okay its very important to chose wisely, esspecialy when Emmett or Rosalie asks you. No looking in future, no reading minds. If you dont want to do the truth or dare, you have to sit naked for the rest of the round. I guess that was it.' She finished as she sat back down. 'I dont want anything broken, you will be grounded!' Esme warned us. 'O and we dont have to do te tasks if we dont want to because were the parents so no naked sitting!' Carlisle added. 'Fine fine.' Rosalie said. 'Okay so can we start?' 'Yeahhh!' Emmett yelled. 'Okay who's first?' I asked. 'ME ME ME ME ME ME ME' Emmett yelled. 'Okay start monkey man!' Rosalie said. 'Baby.' Emmet began to lean in, but Edward stopped him. 'Emmet, were playing a game. You can do that stuff later.' 'Okay okay.' Emmett sighed. 'Right, who am i asking, who is gonna be the one?' Emmett said, trying to scare us. 'The newbie, i guess.' 'Well dare me big bear.' I said. I regretted that immidiatly, because Edward started to laugh. Hard. 'That was a little dumb.' My Jazzyboy said. 'Seriously, Jazzyboy?' Edward said. 'Shut up. Now whats my dare?' I asked.

'Well... You have to go to the mall, in a bikini, a black one, with a robe on top. You have to get chocolat syrup and strip down the robe. Then you have to poor all the syrup over you and lap dance for Jasper.' He said. 'No way! Its a mall!' I yelled. 'Okay, you want to be naked for the rest of the round then.' Emmett laughed. God damnit. 'Jazzy im sorry but i dont want to be naked.' I laughed. 'I dont have a bikini.' I said. In a second, Rosalie was gone and was back with a bikini. It was the most tiny lace black bikini ever. 'Really?' I asked. 'Its a mall dont you have normal bikinis?' 'Nope Emmett likes these kinds better.' Rosalie said while grabbing Emmett face an kissing him hard. He began to take her shirt of. 'Um guys?' Alice said. 'STOP IT!' She yelled . What Alice can yell, i thought. Edward began to laugh. Rosalie and Emmett pulled away. 'I love you baby.' Emmett said while pulling her on his lap. 'Yeahh. I dont have a rope either.' I said. Esme came back with a really large white rope. 'Thank you.' I said. I knew Esme wouldnt like it if i would catch a cold.

'Lets go.' Emmett said. We all sat in the Volvo. Rosalie on Emmetts lap, i on Jaspers, Alice on Edwards (What the fuck.) and Carlilse was driving with Esme by his side. 'You know that you guys look really weird ha?' I asked Alice. 'He's my brother stupid.' Alice laughed. 'Yeah yeah' I laughed. 'Were there!' Carlisle said. I put the bikini and rope on in Jaspers room, so i walked into the mall, the others were following me and Emmett carried a chair for Jasper to sit on. I bought a chocolat syrup bottle, getting weird looks from people because of my rope. Its all getting weirder people, be aware, i thought. Jasper sat on the chairs in the middle of the mall. I walked over to him, stripped the rope down. I got really weird looks, while the hole family were laughing. I poured the syrup all over my body while dancing for Jasper. That went on for 1 minute, until there was a security guy walking over. 'Okay thats enough.' Esme and Carlilse said at the same time. I quickly grabbed the rope and put it on. Emmett grabbed the chair and we began to walk away. We were out the mall beore the guy even could said something.

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