-10- Maria

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'Hey babe'
I layed on Jaspers chest, tracing up and down his abs with my fingers. 'Hey.' I said quiet. 'Whats up babe?' He asked worried, he could feel that i was really nervous. 'I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.' I pressed my lips together, lost in thoughts. 'I had this feeling once, i dont remember it well, but i had this feeling and 2 hours later my grandma died.' I didnt understood it, i was completely happy, what could go wrong?

'I dont know babe, maybe you just miss your mom and Megan.' He moved so i my hand fell on the bed. I felt empty without him under me. 'No i dont miss them at all, i never really liked them, even if they are my family.' It frustrated me that i didnt know what was going on.
'Lets just get dressed.' I said as i stood up and began to pick out my clothes. I chose black skinny jeans, a dark blue sweater and my combat boots. I wore my hair up in a ponytail, because if i had to run it would be easier. I know that makes no sense because im a vampire but i just feel safer in combat boots and my hair out of my face.

We dressed in silence, i threw the outfit i picked out to Jasper, he put it on and walked over to me. He lightly shook my shoulder. 'Jamie what is it?!' His face stood worried sick. 'Huh? What?' I asked confused. 'You just stood still for half an hour and your eyes are purple again.' He was panicking, obviously, it was not half an hour. 'It was really half an hour, i ran up to Carlilse, who was hunting, because you were in shock, i couldnt get you out of it. Here he comes.' He finished while the door flew open.
I immediatly went into a fightposition, i bent down and showed my teeth as i growled. Then i realized it was Carlilse. 'Umm sorry.' I said while stepping back. 'Jamie, what is going on?' He asked, worried too. 'Well, i have this feeling that there is something going to happen.' I left the part of the shock out, not wanting him to worry more.

'She also stood in shock for half an hour and her eyes went purple.' Well thanks Jasper. 'I see your eyes. They are still purple.' He gave me a metal cube. 'Press.' He said. 'Why?' I asked confused. 'If you are not stressed or upset, the metal will be cold as normal, when you are upset it will be warm or even hot.' I took the cube in my right hand an crushed it within less than a second. I gave it back to him as he looked at it, confused. 'Whats wrong?' I asked. 'Its really really really hot.' His eyebrows were touching eachother, he was really worried. I looked at the metal in his hand, well, in his hand, it was melting out of it, i made it that hot?!
'Jasper?' I asked while turning my head to him. 'Honey!' I shouted when he didnt respond. 'Yes?' He murmered. 'Whats wrong?' I asked worried. 'Thats not normal. Lets hunt and after that do it again.' He said while grabbing my arm and helping me out the room. 'Calm down! Whats wrong now?!' I was frustrated that he didnt just said what was up his mind. 'Nothing.' He said while waling downstairs. 'Okay fine im asking Edward.' I pulled my arm out of his grip. 'No no its just im worried sick. Its really strange and i have never see it, not even with the newborns i met.' He kissed my softly on my temple, making me dizzy. 'O. But theres really nothing to worry about for you!' I tried to calm him, but of course he felt that i was lying.

'Lets go then.' I said is i walked out the room, still kinda frustrated. 'Carlilse!' I yelled. 'Whats up Jamie?' He said as he came walking downstairs. 'Is it normal for a vampire to feel so worried?' I asked. 'Well, no, but-' He started but i cut him of. 'I told you its not normal! Something bad is going to happen! Carlilse! We have to do something!' I screamed as i threw one of Esmés vases on the ground that fell broken in a hundred pieces. 'FOR GODS SAKE! HELL NO! DAMN STUPID BITCHES LISTEN TO ME!' I screamed as i picked up the couch and threw it through a window. 'Stop her!' Esmé yelled while Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Edward came running down. Emmett jumped down on me, pressing my hands on my back. 'NO!' I screamed as i ran out of his grip. 'Listen!' I screamed as i picked up the other couch. 'This is her newborn side. I forgot shes still a newborn. We only have to calm her!' Edward yelled to Jasper. 'Let me!' I heard Jaspers voice really clearly, more than the others. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I immediatly felt attacked and tried to break his grip.
But he kissed my neck as i relaxed. I let out a soft moan, turning around and pressing my body to his.

'Ahum.' We heard Emmett cough. I didnt listen and kissed his lips. He kissed me back, but not as passionate. 'Sorry.' I murmered as i stepped back. 'Jamie, can you explain this?' Rosalie asked while she looked at me in confusion. 'What?' I asked. She pointed at the broken window, couch and vase. 'O. Ó.' I didnt een remember that i did that, only the red glaze over everything and the anger i felt. 'She didnt remember that she did all that, only the red glaze and te anger.' Edward said. O yea, he could hear me. 'Keep the fuck outta my head.' I growled as i stepped closer to Jasper. 'Jamie, calm down. Nothing is going to happen.' Alice said, clearly sure that she was right. 'Yes how do you know that?!' I snapped. I immediatly felt guilty for snapping like that, none was here fault and she was jast trying to calm me. 'Sorry.'
'Its okay. Anyway, i know that because i just looked for the future and i saw nothing bad happening.' She said while hugging me to make my guilt go away. 'Alright, but that still doesnt explain why i feel this way.' I was still confused and scared. 'Just calm down, i will never leave you and it will all be okay.

Then suddenly, there was a loud bang for a door being thrown out. We all froze will a beautifull woman walked in. I didnt knew who she was, but Jasper and the others clearly did. 'Well hello Maria.' Jasper said as he stepped away from me. 'Hi baby. Ive missed you.' She said as she walked over to him and hugged him tightly. 'What are you doing?!' I yelled as i ran to them. 'Im really sorry Jamie, but i never really was your mate. I only did everything out of pity for the way you were. Always bein lonely and having a family that never loved you.' He said with a mean grin. I didnt understand all of this. He loved me. But that doesnt even makes sense. Why would we have loved me? I was not someone to love, even not when i was as gorgeous as now, i was a vampire. But still not good enough. Right. 'What?' I murmered as i began to fall to the ground. I fell on my knees, crying without tears with my head in my hands. I looked up and saw them kiss. I didnt even felt anger, only sadness and lonelyness.

'I never loved you Jamie. Bye.' Jasper said. The man i loved didnt love me. 'Goodbye for ever.' He said as he and Maria walked out the door. Then it hit me. This was the last time i ever saw him. I felt a huge amount of pain in my heart. Even worse than the transformation into my vampirisme. My heart wasnt on fire, it was ripped out, poked holes in, bitten in, and placed back in. I screamed and screamed and screamed. I barely felt i was picked up and brought to a room.

I was alone again. He left me.


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