-4- Lunch

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'Jamie!! Jamie!!!'
I realized i woke up, bathing in all the sweat on my body. 'Jamie!' Megan yelled as she shaked my shoulders hard. 'What' i said while slapped her hands away. 'You've been screaming for 10 minutes and i couldnt wake you up!' She said scared. 'Yea i had a nightmare, well kindoff.' I responded as i sat right up, grabbing water from my night stand. 'You said something like stop, stop it, my head is on fire, stop it please i cant take it!' Megan said worried. Well that explaines a lot. I dreamed my heart was on fire, then my head was on fire, then i almost kissed Jasper. Wonderfull dream. 'I'm okay now, you can go' i waved her out of my room.

I was nervous, so nervous. I had Math again, wich means i have to sit next to Jasper. I wanted to be with him, but if i was with him, i was nervous. Nervous that id say something stupid. What if i accidentely say to him that i dreamed about him, again? What if i said that i wanted the dream, well the last part, to be real? I now atmitted it to myself. I was in love with him. Helpless in love with a boy i had only seen once, twice in a dream. 'Hey Jamie' Jasper said as he came to sit next to me. 'Hi' i said nervous. 'Whats wrong, you look nervous.' Jasper said looking worried. As if it was magic, i felt calm again. 'Nothing' i said as i opened my notebook. 'Ouch!' I shouted as i got a pretty deep papercut. 'Jazz' i heard Edward say in a low, intimadating voice. I looked over at Jasper and saw that his eyes were pitch black. 'Sorry can Jasper and i go?' Edward asked, without waiting for an answer, he grabbed Jasper by his upper arm and dragged him out of the class room. Well, that was weird. I was worried about Jasper, is anything okay? I should go find him later and ask.

The lesson was over as i walked to the cafetaria. I looked around and found an empty table.I sat by the empty table and grabbed my apple. I looked around and saw a group of beautiful, pale, modellike people. I saw Edward, but Jasper was not with him. Weird.
I got interruped by a girl.
'Sorry, but this is OUR table.' A girl said. 'So? I sit here now.' I responded angry. I was sick of girls who clamed tables like they were queens. 'I think you should go!' She yelled. 'Yea go!' Yelled an other girl. 'Nope' i said while i finished my apple. I threw it 'accidentely' on the girls shoes. 'What! How you dare!' She screamed as she pulled my of my chair. She pulled my hair and said really quiet, so only i could hear it 'You know Jasper, well, he is my boyfriend, so i think he wont like it if i tell him what you did.' 'YOU BITCH!' I screamed as i pushed her on the ground. The friend of her, punched my face, i fell backwards, with my head on the sharp edge of the table. I felt dizzy and god slowly up. I realized the back of my head was bleeding bad. 'O my gosh im sorry!' The friend said as she tried helping me up.

I pushed her away and got up. The whole cafateria was looking at me, shocked. The beautiful people looked weird at me, like they were hurt. My head hurt so mad, i was embarresed. I run out of the cafateria, into the forest by the gymfield.

I runned into the forest and sat on a fallen tree. I started crying, because one, my head hurted like hell. Two, i was sad and embarresed. Good thing i still had up my beanie. I pulled if of and sobbed in it.

Then i heard a gust, like something was moving fast. I was scared and started to hide myself behind a tree. A blond person was running towards me. Fast. Too fast to be humanly possible. I watched from behind the tree when the person stopped with his back to me. His hair was the same as Jaspers. He turned around, making me gasp. It was Jasper. 'Jasper?!' I said shocked. I put my beanie back on, not wanting him to see the wound and get worried. 'Jamie' he said as he walked to me. 'Back off!' I yelled, i was scared, he ran so fast, he cant be human. 'Dont be scared.' He said, like he felt that i was scared. 'Let me explain!' 'Okay' i said as he began his story.

He told me about he was changed by a vampire, Maria. She wanted him to train her newborns for an newborn army.
He told me how he had to kill them when they grown over their own strenght. How he could feel their emotions. He thought what he and Maria had, was love. But he was her puppet and she pulled the strings.
He didnt know their was an other way, till he found Alice. They were best friends, like brother and sister. Alice told him about the Cullens. He explained that they were vampires, but lived on animal blood, so they didnt have to kill people. He lived with them now. He was new with the hole animal blood diet, so that explaned why he freaked out about my papercut.
'I'm sorry, i understand if you dont want to see me again. Now whats with your head? I smelled the blood from here.' He said walking towards me. I didnt know why, but i knew he wouldnt hurt me. 'I fell on a table' i murmered as i pulled my beanie of and turned around so he could see it. He growled as he walking backwards, till he hit a tree with his back. 'Im sorry!' I said as i put my beanie back on and turned around. 'Arent you scared?! Im a monster! I killed people!' He yelled as he looked at me. 'I dont know why, but i have a feeling that you wont hurt me. I said, walking towards him. 'You should see a doctor. My father is a doctor and while he checks your head, he could explain' he suggested. 'No! Then my mom gets mad for fighting and might slap me!' I yelled scared. That wasnt good for my head. My head began to hurt really bad. I began to cry. I hugged him, and i could feel him tense up. 'Sorry' i murmered as i pulled away. His eyes turned darker, but not black like in Math. He held his breath as he stepped away. He almost fell backwards as he felt my emotions. 'Hey whats wrong?!' I shouted as he almost fell. 'Well, i can feel peoples emotions, and your love is just really strong!' I said akwardly. Damn it! He could feel the lust and love i felt for him. My hole face turned red as i looked down. 'Its okay.' He said as he held his breath and hugged me. I hugged him back and said, 'i know its a little early to say, but
I think i love you'.

'I think i love you too.'

The day I met you {Jasper Hale FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now