-7- First hunt

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I runned, hard. I knew i as doing the wrong thing, but i didnt care. My throat burned bad. No, thats not the right word. It was on fire, and only blood could stop it.

I lost the others, i was too fast. I ran down all the way to a city i didnt know. I runned down the road, in the woods. Good thing there were trees everywhere. I runned for about a good 25 minutes, until i reached the bad side of a city. When i heard people, i started to slow down. I got by the man, he was fighting with a other man. Yelling at each other about a girl. 'SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!' The not-hurt man yelled. The hurt man probably raped her or something. I stepped up, and they looked at me, shock on there faces. Probably because of my eyes. 'Run.' I said to the not hurt man. He ran as fast as he could, down the alley. I walked slowly down the man. Deeply breathing because of the smell. He walked back. I walked towards him until his back came to a tree. 'This is what you diserve.' I whispered evilly. I opened my mouth and let my teeth glinster. I tilled his head back and bit down.

He screamed for a second, then went death. The liquid was like gold. It tasted so good. The pain in my throat went away. As i finished the man, i heard footsteps coming. I smelled, and realized it was my family. Then it hit me. I was a murderer. I just killed a man. I was a killer. O my god.

My family came running over, Jasper first. His eyes were sad. He walked over and hugged me. 'Its natural.' He whispered, even tho every vampire could hear him. 'Im a murderer.' I stepped back. Jasper looked in my red eyes. The family came walking towards us. 'We need to work on that.' Carlilse said, clearly dissapointed in me. 'That man was a murderer, you saved more lifes then you took.' Edward said.

Jasper walked closer and whiped away a drop of blood that was running down my chin. 'Its my fault.' He whispered. 'No its not, i did it.' 'Its my fault. No its not. I thought at him. He stepped back confused 'How did you do that?' He shouted. 'Do what?' I was confused as well. 'You said no its not in you mind to me, i could hear in my head.' He smiled. 'Thats my gift?' I yelled excitedly. 'Yes.' Carlilse said. Alice? Yes? This is soo cool! Cooler then Edwards gift. She smiled at Edward. 'You have the gift of telepathy.' Carlilse stated. 'I can talk with people in my head! Its cooler then Edwards gift!' I yelled. Right Eddieboy? Shut up. Im cooler then you!! Your crazy.
I began to laugh hard. Jasper looked at me, confused. 'Just some telepathy.' I said. 'Lets go home.' Rosalie said. She didnt think is was cool, shes always so grumpy . Why do you hate me so much? I dont hate you, its just... I miss Jasper. We used to talk alot, and since you came, he only talks to you you. You should tell him, he'll understand. I understand too. Probably.
We said while running away. Jazz?Yeah babe? I love you. I love you too.

We runned to the house, well i didnt. I jumped home. I would run 3 seconds, jump really far, run 3 seconds, jump, etc. I was far further until Edward came up. 'I told you i was fast.' He shouted. 'Im faster.' I was holding back, so i runned on full speed. Edward was running close to me, but i arrived earlier then Edward. I was sitting in front of the door, for 1 minute, till the others came. 'Hey.' 'Hello JamieBamie.' Jasper said, walking towards me. 'My little monkey.' He whispered, seducing me. I leaned in, wanting him. He smirked and pecked me. 'Later darlin.' He laughed. I made an angry face, i wanted his lips on mine.

We walked into the living room, followed by the others. We sat down and Jasper pulled me on his lap. 'What about school, and my mom and sister? I cant just go away without telling them a reason.' I said, i was worried about that. I didnt go to school for three days now. 'I think we need to move again.' Esme said. 'Im sorry honey, i know you dont like moving.' 'I dont care as long im with Jazz.' I smiled. 'But what do i tell my mom? She doesnt know Jaspers my mate.' I was worried, what will they think of me? A 18 year old girl, moving with her boyfriend and his family? 'Jamie?' I heard Emmett ask from far away. 'Yes?' I responded. 'Lets armwrestle.' He smirked. 'You are going to lose, you know that?' I smirked evilly. 'Im soooo scared.' Emmett rolled his eyes. 'Lets go.' We walked to the front yard, into a open space in the forest. I carried a big rock to wrestle on. We walked to it and hold each other hand, trying to break the fingers. 'Ready? 1.' I moved my fingers. '2' i looked in Emmet the bear's eyes. '3' i began to push his hand over. He was strong but i was stronger. Youre losing Emmieboy. No im not. I hearded Emmett growl, he was in pain. I pushed one more time, really hard. His hand banged on the rock, causing it to break. I broke Emmett's hand of. It was laying on the ground and Emmett was screaming. Rosalie began yelling at me like a killed him. She punched my head and tried to break me. I was stronger and pushed her of. 'JAMIE AND ROSALIE STOP!' Esme yelled. She was running to Emmett, who's hand was alteady back on. 'Im sorry Em.' I whispered. 'Well, youre stronger now, but not for long.' He was already laughing.

'You need to hunt.' Jasper said. It was morning. I remembered last night and smiled. Not much more happened then usuall, but it was amazing.
'Yeah.' I said. 'Can i ask you something?' I asked. 'Youre already asking.' 'Funny.' 'Yeah ask.' 'You were holding back, wasnt you? I mean, when i was human.' I said. He rubbed my thigh, and said 'Yes i was. Which do you prefer?' He smirked. 'Not holding back.' I whispered, leaning in. His hand went from my thigh, into my hair. He softly pulled on it. I leaned in and bit his bottom lip before kissing him. I kissed him with much force, i couldnt resist. He licked my lips with his tongue, i let him in. Our tongues danced, making me dizzy. I was laying on top of him know. I took his shirt of, touching each scar without looking. I knew his body from inside out.

Then, i suddenly felt an intense burning feeling in the back of my throat. I growled and pulled away. 'I need.. To... Hunt.' I brought painly out. 'Yes.' I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were not black, no. My eyes were pitch black with purple spots in them. The skin around was deep red, like blood that i didnt have. I jumped out of the big window, flying in a tree. I jumped and started to run. I followed my insticts. I came past a group of deers, and killed them al. I whiped away the blood on my face, licking my fingers. I saw Jasper, he was looking in pain. 'Whats wrong?' I asked, he looked more sad now. 'I dont like to see you hunt, it makes me feel like you are in danger, but you are actually the danger.' He slightly smiled when he finished. 'Im still thirsty.' I said, sad. 'I am sorry, but i feel like i cant control myself as good as you and the others.' I looked down, if i could become red, i would. 'Its natural. Youre a newborn. I love you no matter what.'
'I love you.'
'I love you too.'

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