-8- Mom

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Jasper stepped closer and cupped my cheecks. He licked the blood of my mouth, making me want him. I kissed him, this time, i had control. I deepened the kiss and wrapped my legs around his hips. His hand went up my shirt, but them went back.

I looked at him with confusion. 'Whats wrong?' 'I know this sounds silly, but im not into sex before marriage. I want to, really. I want it as much as you do, maybe more, but i really want to marry you first.' He said. He got down on one knee. Tears were forming in my eyes that i couldnt shed. 'Jamie Michelle Ashley Rosewater. You truly make me the happiest person in the world. You are the love of my life, forever.' He pulled out a small black box. 'Will you marry me?' He asked, opening the box. The inside was red velvet, with the most beautiful ring inside. 'Yes!' I shouted. He put the ring on and picked me up. I hugged him so thight, that if he was human, he would have died. 'Jamie, ouch?' He sounded really weird. 'Sorry!' I yelled. I was so happy. He put the ring on, it was silver with a beautifull diamond on it. This is the best day of my life. Ever. 'Im so freaking excited i cant wait!' I shouted as i began to run, i had to much energy. Follow Jazz! Try and catch me! I will.

I loved how we could talk for hours and hours in our minds. I began to speed threw the woods, jumping over everything. I then jumped in a tree, running over the brands. Jazz? Yes? Nevermind just wanna check you were still there. Im always there. I love you. 'I LOVE YOU!!!' I screamed as hard as i can before jumped so high, i felt like i was flying. I spread out my arms as a bird. Jamie? Yes? I cant reach you! What why? Look at yourself! I looked around and shouted. I was flying! I was freaking flying! FLYING! I felt amazing so good, i couldnt describe it. I felt like a bird, butterflie, i felt like myself. I felt like myself more then ever.

I came down and saw that Jasper was following me from the ground. I flyed a bit back and climbed in a tree. He looked up but didnt saw me. He began to panick. 'Jamie! Jamie!' He screamed. I jumped down on his back. 'HEY!' I shouted. 'Good god Jamie dont do that ever again! Ever! God i was scared for dear life.' He said while i jumped of off his back and hugged him. 'Sorryyyyyy.' I squeled. 'Are you brainwashed?' He laughed. 'You act like you are stoned to the max.' 'No im just REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HAPPYYYYY!!!' I yelled. 'Yeah me too. Lets go home and tell the fam.' He said. 'I have an idea! It may sound weird but i dont care! Climb on my back and hold on tight!' I said. 'Are we going to fly?' He laughed. 'Im trying.' He climbed on my back and wrapped his arms around my. I began to run on full speed. I jumped high and spread my arms out. Jasper was lying on top of me and i felt amazing. Flying with Jasper was amazing. He was amazing. I flew up above the clouds, touching them with my fingertops. 'This is amazing!' I yelled. 'Can we get a little more down, what is some plane people see us?' He warned. 'O yea i forgot.' I yelled back. I began to fly down, under the clouds.

I saw our house from above, it looked bigger from here. I began to slow down and fly to the ground. I landed gracefully, with Jasper on my back. He jumped of and said 'My little beautiful butterflie.' While snuggeling his face in my neck. Venom began to pour in my mouth, i felt lust like i never felt it before. 'What was that?' I asked. We walked to the house. 'Mates have special bonding things. When mates actually 'mate' they bite each others necks with mating venom. The mating mark is the most sensitive place on the body ever. One single touch from your mate can lead to a lot of pleasure.' He finished, wiggeling his eyebrows. 'When do we bond?' I asked, curious. 'In the wedding night.' He said sad. 'Why are you sad?' I asked, afraid i did something wrong. 'I just want to marry you right now, but Alice will probably kill me.' He laughed. 'Agreed!' I laughed. We walked to the door and opened. 'GUYS! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!' I yelled, causing everybody to speed to the living room. 'Did you do the frickle frackle?' I heard Emmett ask. 'No not yet!' I wiggled my eyebrows. 'But it will me soon!' I screamed while showing them my ring. Esme, Rosalie and Alixe gasped, they found it as beautiful as i did.

The day I met you {Jasper Hale FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now