Chapter 6: Coming home.

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Tara P.O.V

Shit shit shit.

I was frantically running around my house trying to pick up the big pieces and hide the fact that I haven't cleaned in like forever. How the hell did I leave it like this for so long? The lad I found was coming to my flat today and I wanted it to be perfect... or as perfect as I can make it appear.

I had a spare bedroom in the flat so I set it up to be his room. Thank god I still had the daybed in storage. I managed to pull together a bed, an end table, an old dresser, a lamp, and an alarm clock to fill the small room. The only thing missing was to get him some clothes.

The place was nearly perfection and I was quite satisfied. I decided I earned myself a break and flopped on the sofa. It was now Saturday. I had skipped the entire week of school and I know Ryan is going to be furious. I haven't even turned my phone back on since I hung up on him.

I've never done something so dramatic before, but if Ryan found out a guy was going to be living with me. He would flip his shit and I would probably be in the hospital.

Or the morgue.

I told Tay that I wasn't going to be at school for the week and she pressed me for the reason, but I denied her and told her I would explain later. She was mad but within seconds she was fine. I glanced at the clock and nearly had a heart attack.

"SHIT!" It was just about time for me to pick up my new friend. Its weird.. I don't even know his name.... Maybe I'll come up with a nickname...

I got in my car, drive quickly to the hospital and made my way to the room where he had been staying. He was able to move around quite a bit now, along as he didn't have to use his hands for anything he was fine. He was able to use his right hand a little bit but only when absolutely necessary.

I walked into the room and noticed he wasn't in his bed like usual. I looked around and let out a sigh of relief when I saw him leaning against the window pane.

"Hey you! Ready to go to your new home?" He jumps up quickly realising I was there and nodded with a shy smile. Over the week I had gotten pretty good at reading his body language since he couldn't talk. I usually just talked about my day or we watched TV.

I would stay here everyday during visiting hours until they kicked me out. I wanted to have a good relationship from the start so he would feel more comfortable when he came home. I don't want him feeling scared or nervous around me. I want him to be as comfortable as possible and hopefully he will be fine when we get home.

We often just sat in comfortable silence and just looked at each other. Studying each others movement, like we were trying to figure each other out. I had gotten really comfortable with him. I hadn't shared any personal information with him yet, just my age and the school I go to and a bit about Taylor. He was always intrigued at what I had to say.

"Oh Miss Allen! I assume you are here for this young man?" The nurse says.

"Yes I am. Is he able to leave now?" I ask.

"Yes he is, come with me and the doctor will release him into your custody." I Laugh.

"That's so weird. Isn't he older then me?" I look at him. "Hmm.. Let me guess your age. Nod if I'm correct and shake it if I'm wrong." He nodded. "Hmm eighteen?" he shook his head. "Twenty?" Again he shook it. "Hmmm ummm... Nineteen?" He frantically nodded his head. I turn to the nurse. "Is it even legal to release someone who is older to someone younger? I'm only seventeen you realize." She smiles.

"Usually no... But this is a special case. He has no form of communication so until he can contact his parents or someone he knows, he will remain in your care. You are closest to him and he seems to trust you greatly." I nod and follow the nurse to the doctor so he can release the lad into my custody.

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