Chapter 8: The Threat

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Damien's POV.

"Do you have to go ? It's going to be so boring here by myself." She said, she was sitting up on the bed and poking her bottom lip out at me trying to make a puppy dog face.

"Yeah I do. I Already missed one week and if I miss anymore the school would call my dad and I'm not trying to hear his mouth. " I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I turned to Nerissa and held my arms out to her indicating for her to come to me. She got up and wrapped her arms around my neck and pecked my lips once.

"Another one." She did as I asked. " Save these for me when I get back home" I said poking her lips.

" They'll be here considering  I can't go anywhere."

" You'll be perfectly fine. I'll be home by 6 since I have work."

"Fine." She let go of me and walked into the bathroom.  I Walked out of the room and out of the flat and into my car that was parked in the garage. I didn't even notice it was raining outside. I Drove to school and go there in 10 minutes. As soon as I got there Sam ran towards me as soon as our eyes met.

" How's Nerissa ? Is she okay with being home by herself ? What if she sees someone in the hallways and can't control herself ? ANSWER ME DAMIEN !" I just laughed at the numerous questions she was asking me.

" Hello to you to Sam." She gave me a straight face to show me she was serious. " Look Nerissa is going to be just fine. She was able to controll herself around us so I'm pretty sure she can do it for others. And besides , she told me she wasn't going anywhere so I doubt anything is going to happen."


" Where's Anthony ?"

" He's inside, he was talking to Mr. Goldman about his grade. He was surprised Anthony's grades shot up so quickly."

" Well he does have a girl that is motivating him so I wouldn't be surprised." She started blushing and we walked inside the school.  Nerissa was on my mind my whole computer class. I just can't wait to get through the day and go home to her.

Nerissa's POV.

"Today can't get any slower. It's only 12 and Damien doesn't get home until 6 more hours. I want to do something for him. Cook maybe ? But I don't know how to do that. His fridge is practically empty so I don't know how that would work. I do still have the money that I took from my parents. But I'm not sure where the grocery store is even located. I put some clothes on and headed out of the flat. I started walking and everywhere I turned there was someone walking past me and brushing their sent off on me. The only perks of being out here is the fact that it's raining. I love the rain , I love the feeling I get when each drop falls on my face. I decided to ask someone if they know where the grocery store was, considering that I can't just walk around forever. I approached this man that was leaning against a sleek black car. He looked mean even though his eyes were just like mine. He looked oddly familiar. I feel like I've seen him at least once before.He was watching me as I slowly approached him. His eye went from a light golden brown to pitch black.

" Hi , I'm new around here. By any chance do you know where the grocery store is located ? I really don't feel like walking around to find it." It took him a while to respond. He was just staring at me and looking straight in my eyes. He looks young and isn't that bad looking. But there's just something about him that rubbed me the wrong way.

" Nerissa right?" He said with a smile. His teeth was very straight and pearly white.

"Yeah. How did you"

"Your friends with Anthony Barnes and Samantha Brown correct?"

" Yes but how did you" He cut me off again.

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