Chapter 11: Power

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Nerissa's POV.

5 days .... It's been 5 freakin days and nothing. No calls ... No texts ... No Sam Anthony or Damien. Are they dead ? No I would've felt it. I know he got hit , but he has Anthony so they put up a fight. Right ? I'm pacing back and forth in the bedroom. I don't know what to do and it's making me angry. Should I go there ? Shit ! I don't have the address they took it. What if they need me ? What if my baby ... I mean Damien gets hurt. UGHH this is crazy. Maybe the place was farther than I thought. Yeah that's it. They could be on there way back home right as we speak. I'm going to stay calm. Buts its mission impossible with the principle calling every day, probably trying to figure out why we haven't been to school. Wait ... What if they call my parents ? They can't know I'm here , well at least alive .. When Damien gets back he'll figure something out , hopefully.

Damien's POV.

We woke up into a room a few days ago that was not only dark , but cold. Anthony is beyond mad that they even laid a finger on Sam. We're just sitting in chairs , hands tied up , just us three and the ugliest person I've ever seen. Marks after marks on his face and it's quite scary. He's just sitting on his desk looking at us , luckily we haven't been hit since the first day we got here , Nerissa would've felt it and been here by now and done something she would've regret.

"Well, you kids are oddly quiet. Is there something you have on your mind ?" The guy said.

"Yeah why the fuck are we here ?" Anthony said, you can tell he was angry he started to turn red. The guy looked at him and lifted an eyebrow.

"Why Anthony , I would like to know the same thing. This was a one invitation and my special guest isn't here. Is she outside in the car ?"

"She's home. What do you want with her anyways ?"I asked

"Ahh Damien , Nerissa is my creation , she belongs to me."

"What do you mean you're not her father , I've met her actual parents." Sam said, he laughed and shook his head.

"I mean one of my workers transformed her. He was at your delightful party, so called "picking up his son". He was watching Nerissa for quite a while now and it appears she was everything I needed , her blood , O positive , tasted so delightful to him. Apparently it almost caused him to not want to stop. He could've killed her, I guess biting her as long as he did caused her to become more powerful than she should've. To top this story off , she's mine and I've been trying to find her for months. Now that I have I have 3 teenagers trying to stop me. You must not understand how stressful that can be for a person like me." I'm so angry at this point , he's the reason why Nerissa wasn't able to live a normal life. He's the reason why her and I can't be completely happy together because she's scared that she's going to hurt me.

"Are you okay Damien, you look quiet upset , water perhaps ?"

"Fuck you." He let out a breath and shook his head.

"Damien , why must you intend on making me angry ?"

"Why do you have us here still ? What are you going to do bite us and make us your creation in a replacement for Nerissa?"

"Ahh answering my question with a question I like it , but no considering you're very disobedient and have a lack of skills. But lovely Nerissa knows when danger comes your way and will come running in matter of seconds." He came closer to me , I clenched my fist which causes him to laugh.

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