An extravagant arrangement

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I had stopped listening to their conversation a while ago.

I knew it was rude but I didn't want to talk to him or hear anything about him.

I just hated him for being so goddamn mysterious and for having such a gorgeous brother.

For serving such delicious food without ever eating much of it himself.

Mostly, I hated him for bringing me here and refusing to let me go.

I mean, I didn't exactly ask him to help me or anything like that.

He could have left me in the woods for the beast.

His words suddenly appeared in my head;

'the beast was once a human being'

I couldn't help but wonder if he had known the poor man, whose soul was now eaten up by anger and sorrow.

Once again I managed to get myself so deeply lost in my thoughts, that I didn't notice a voice calling out for me.

I jumped in my chair as Mason was now standing on the other side of the table, leaning in towards me.

I saw confusion and concern in his eyes.

"You had me worried there for a moment. You sure are a strange one..."


I wanted to protest and tell him that I was nowhere near strange but as soon as I opened my mouth he had already returned to his seat.

He sat leaned back in his chair with his feet on the table, throwing grapes at his brother who had now gotten up to stare out a window.

And I'm the strange one!?

That was how the morning passed by.

The two brothers having a Who-can-be-most-annoying competition, rain pouring on the other side of the window, maids running around in desperation to collect the food that had not been eaten but thrown onto the floor and me sitting for myself in my chair thinking of all the things I had to take in.

I was relieved when I finally was allowed to leave the table and return to my room.

I sighed as I closed the large door behind me and sat down in front of it while staring around in the now bright room.

Some things were different, even though it had not been that long since I had been there.

There were new colors in the room.

Green and turquoise carpets and curtains covered the room and gave it a somehow homely look to it.

The sheets had been changed into those same colors and there were added satin pillows for decoration.

I slowly stood up and walked around to study further changes in the room.

There was a little table beside the bed with a bouquet of white lilies in a beautifully decorated vase.

"I-it must be a coincidence..." I muttered to myself as I studied the flowers.

They couldn't know those were my favorite, there's no way they could have found out.

I shuddered slightly and left the flowers to look at the other side of the room.

This side was even more beautiful.

The mirror had been replaced by a larger one that seemed to be made of pure silver with roses carved in it.

I ran my fingers across the cold material, noticing small crystals covering the sides of the mirror.

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