Just Friends

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As they left, I carefully turned around to look for Zuko again. He was still by the cart. I honestly didn't care what was holding his interest for so long, I was just glad that he was occupied.

All I would have to do was keep an eye on him.

Taking a deep breath, I flipped a strand of hair over my shoulder and walked back over to the well.

Although the plan had changed, I came to the reasoning that it would work. I was probably the best one to be here stalling him anyways. I winced to think about Sokka, or Aang, or Toph trying to dissuade Zuko.


Placing my hands on the edge of the well, I leaned on my arms to wait for Zuko to move, keeping a wary eye on him.

He was speaking earnestly with the man behind the cart, holding up two different glass beads on the end of a thread. Or at least that was what it looked like.

I squinted, trying to get a better look at what was happening, but when I didn't make out much, just decided that it was none of my business. Glancing down into the well, a few strands of my hair fell past my shoulders.

Reaching up, I fingered a strand, then glared at it as I felt moisture. Why is it still wet?

Well, my hair was super thick, I shouldn't be surprised that it still hadn't dried from my shower this morning. I usually just bent the water out of my hair so that it wouldn't take all day to dry, but lately, it hadn't seemed that important.

Today, I had wanted it to dry out naturally, but that obviously wasn't working.

Sighing, I flicked my hair behind me, then raising my hands above my head, brought them down over me, bringing out all the leftover wetness in my hair.

That done, I brought all the water to a sphere in front of me. It was surprisingly large, and I glared at it, feeling my hair dry once more.

Feeling suspicious of the water's cleanliness, I walked over to a tree near the well, and gently set the water down next to it's roots. I forced the water to soak into the ground before placing my hands on my hips and watching it. Satisfied, I turned around.

And instantly saw Zuko walking up the hill towards me. I froze yet again, but then quickly composed myself.

Stay cool Katara. You're cool.

My stomach wasn't getting the vibe, and clenched itself into a ball of nervousness.

I walked up to the space between us, "Hey Zuko."

"Hey." he gave me a ghost of a smile, and stopped in front of me.

His voice had always intrigued me. It was quiet, and harsh all at the same time. When he yelled that changed. But still.

"What are you doing today?" I clasped my hands in front of me, "Find anything good at the market?"

Blech, I was bad at making small talk.

But instead of asking a suspicious question, Zuko just looked into his bag, "Nothing much." he glanced at me, out of his scarred eye, "Actually, I could use your help...if you're not busy."

I raised an eyebrow. Talk about convenience. I doubt that Zuko and I could keep up a friendly conversation for less than two minutes.

"Well yeah. I just came here to browse." I shrugged, then let my hands rest to my side, looking up at him, "What do you want me to help you with?"

He dug inside his bag with his free hand, and pulled out a smaller pouch. He extended it out to me, "Scarlet Cloud White Tea,"

I could swear I saw a brief smile cross his face, "I'm getting it for Uncle. It's a surprise. And I need you to hide it."

My eyes widened. Well what do you know?

I held out my hand, and he gently deposited the bag into my palm, "I've already paid for it, you just have to make sure he doesn't see it."

I examined the bag, "Why are you getting it for him? Is it his birthday?"

Wouldn't that be something? Same day as his nephew.

"No." Zuko seemed to sadden for a moment, "It's the anniversary of when his son, my cousin, died in Ba Sing Se." he looked away, as if ashamed, "I know he blames himself. I thought a gift could help."


I stood there for a moment, a bit taken aback, but then my instincts kicked in.

"That's a wonderful idea." I encouraged, getting the feeling that he thought it was a whimpy gift, "I'm sure he'll love it."

Zuko looked back at me, and this time, there was a genuine smile on his face, "Thanks Katara."

The way he said my name, like we had been friends for ages, make a chill go up my spine. It wasn't a bad feeling...just a different one. I quickly shook it off and smiled.

"Uncle is in the Market not far from here." Zuko explained, shifting his bag of goods, "I have to meet him in the central courtyard soon. Can you wait here until I get back?"

I froze, "Um...I..."

I couldn't just let him out of my sight, he might run into the others. I bit my lip. Then, in Sokka's mind at least, I would appear to have betrayed them.

"I...I don't-" this was not good. I was fumbling for words and Zuko was giving me a confused look.

"Is something wrong?" he tilted his head slightly.

I paused to gather myself, "No, I just was heading there actually, the central courtyard. I'm sure your Uncle won't suspect me for hiding something, I can carry it here."

I smiled to cover up my lie, hoping that he wouldn't notice. If Toph were here, she would probably laugh at my skyrocketing heartbeat.

I opened the flap between my skirt and my trousers. Zuko evaluated the hiding spot before quickly nodding, "That's good."

With his confirmation, I secured the bag to my belt under the skirt, then folded the fabric over it to make sure it was hidden. I shifted looking at it, then smiled as it didn't show.

Glancing up at him, he nodded again. "Good. He won't suspect you. The tea is safe."

Then he frowned, "Just make sure you don't fall into water while you have it. That tea almost took all my life savings."

I placed my hands on my hips, "Aren't you a high official though? I thought people like you were so rich coins fell out of them when they opened their mouths."

I was rather pleased with my attempt at some humor, but Zuko didn't take it that way.

"We didn't get much allowance." he stated bluntly.

I wasn't as good as Sokka when it came to making jokes. So what.

Zuko shook his head as he motioned me on, then turning, started walking for the central courtyard. I huffed, then strode after him, silently still chuckling at my own joke.

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Sorry this is so late. Next chapter possibly next week. :D 

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